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Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Info Post
Courtesy of Right Wing Watch:  

Today on the 700 Club, a viewer asked host Pat Robertson why miracles such as “people raised from the dead, blind eyes open, lame people walking” seem to “happen with great frequency in Africa, and not here in the USA?” Robertson first responded by joking it is “because those people overseas didn’t go to Ivy League schools.” 

But Robertson was actually serious. 

“Well, we are so sophisticated, we think we’ve got everything figured out, we know about evolution, we know about Darwin, we know about all these things that says God isn’t real, we know about all this stuff,” Robertson lamented, “in many schools, in the most advanced schools, we have been inundated with skepticism and secularism.”

So if I may paraphrase a little, the reason that we don't see God performing miracles in America is because we are too highly educated to be fooled by things easily explained by science, and the reason that they still occur in other places is due to the ignorance of the populace.

Makes perfect sense to me.

Okay, I REALLY need to stop agreeing with Pat Robertson! Not exactly good for my reputation.


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