Breaking News
Saturday, 6 April 2013

Info Post
"Okay just how small is my audience these days?"
Courtesy of Salon: 

On his show Thursday, Rush Limbaugh hosted a climate expert to explain how global warming is “a hoax.” Sorry, did we say climate expert? We meant 13-year-old kid from Indiana. The young man called into Limbaugh’s show and said he had done his own research at the local library for a school project and concluded that it was obvious that man-made climate change is bogus. 

“It was really easy for me to find this evidence, really easy,” said young Alex. “I believe the reason that the liberals do not have the evidence [that it's a hoax] is because they do not want the evidence. They don’t want to hear that it’s wrong.” 

Alex said he found all the information at the library, because he didn’t have a computer. Limbaugh was so impressed that he told Alex he wanted to send him an iPad, assuming his parents were OK with it, in order to help him with future research.

I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh, or any radio at all for that matter, but I just so happened to hear this exchange with this young man as I was driving in my car. 

It should be noted that at NO time did Limbaugh ask this young man WHICH books in the library supposedly provided this evidence which refuted the findings of virtually EVERY climatologist on the planet, nor did he ask him WHAT it was that he read that led him to conclude that climate change was a "hoax."

In fact all Limbaugh did was congratulate this child and offer him a free I-Pad (Limbaugh gives these away with some frequency.) for his completely unsubstantiated remarks.

The next day Limbaugh followed up on that conversation by saying this:

Folks, just exactly as the news media is no longer about the news, there aren’t any news outlets, it’s a branch of the Democrat Party, so too is much of science today. The Democrats have literally politicized everything they can use to expand government, which is their primary objective. Whatever they can do to grow government, they will politicize it… ‘The consensus of scientists.’ Well, they are all politicized as well. The global warming scientists are just Democrats, folks. They are all part of an agenda. It’s where they get their money, it’s where they get their funding to study all this stuff… Government money, grant money. So they’re all part of the agenda.

So since Limbaugh really cannot argue his case based on the evidence he has to undermine that evidence by claiming it is tainted with liberal bias.

Which, and I hate to agree with Limbaugh here, it kind of is. But not because the scientists doing the research start off that way, but rather because the evidence and facts do not respect mythology or stone age rationalizations.

I have to wonder just how long that young man will hold onto his contention that climate change is a hoax once he has an I-Pad to help him do some REAL research?


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