When I found out Mom was pregnant with a baby who would have Down syndrome, I confess. I was scared. I didn’t know what it would mean for his life or for ours.
Whoa, hold the horses! That is NOT the way the family mythology describes how Bristol and the rest of the family learned about Trig's condition.
In fact in her book, and numerous articles, the Grizzled Mama makes a point of saying that she did not tell ANYBODY that she was pregnant, nor did she discuss the baby's condition, which was NOT known to the children until the day Trig was born:
Initially Palin hid her pregnancy – and her pain – from both the public and her children, son Track, now 19, and daughters Bristol, 17, Willow, 14, and Piper, 7.
"Not knowing in my own heart if I was going to be ready to embrace a child with special needs," she reveals, "I couldn't talk about it." (So pro-life of her, don'tcha think?)
On April 18, 2008, Palin gave birth to 6-lb., 2-oz. Trig, five weeks early. As Todd and their three daughters gathered around the bedside (Track, an Army private, listened in by phone from his base in Fairbanks), Willow said of the new arrival, "He looks like he has Down syndrome."
Trig Palin's first appearance right after his birth. He looks like he has Down Syndrome? |
Palin, who says her own qualms were laid to rest "the minute [Trig] was born," felt a lump in her throat. "If he does, you know you will still love him, Willow. It'll be okay."
Willow pressed: "But why didn't you tell us?" Palin admitted she didn't know how to break the news. "I was a little shocked," says Willow "but I don't care – he's my brother and I love him."
So how could Bristol have been "scared" about his condition during her mother's pregnancy if she did not even know about it until "Sherlock" Willow pointed it out after his birth?
It seems odd that if Nancy French were tasked with writing a post celebrating World Down Syndrome Day that she would not have at least been given the Trig Palin birth talking points.
Or is it possible that it has been so long now that Bristol herself has forgotten exactly how they weaved the webs they weaved when first they practiced to deceive?
So here let me educate Nancy so she will not forget again.
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March 14, 2008 |
Then Palin started wearing scarfs and big jackets both inside and out making it impossible to see how her pregnancy was "progressing."
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March 29, 2008. |
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April 13, 2008. |
On April 17th, she woke up in a Texas hotel room and "Palin said she felt fine but had leaked amniotic fluid and also felt some contractions that seemed different from the false labor she had been having for months."
However Palin was a trooper and she gave her speech, after which she left the conference not telling anybody, including Texas Governor Rick Perry, that she was in labor and hightailed it back home on a commercial flight. During that flight, according to flight attendants, "The stage of her pregnancy was not apparent by observation. She did not show any signs of distress."
Then she arrived in Alaska at the International Airport in Anchorage, where NO security staff or emergency personnel were there to meet her. And totally on their own she and Todd drove past two large, well equipped hospitals in Anchorage and then for yet another hour to have her baby at the poorly equipped Mat-Su Regional Medical Center near Wasilla, where Cathy Baldwin-Johnson helped bring Trig into this would.
AFTER which, the rest of the family was notified about the birth and then showed up to see the new baby.
And that was when Willow made her incredibly intuitive diagnosis as "Trig" was handed off to various family members and even Bristol's boyfriend. (Well that is the way it is described in Levi's book at least."
Gee how could ANYBODY not remember a tale like that? I mean it is just so ridiculous, and memorable.
Sure sometimes people have trouble keeping lies straight but this was....oh, that's right!
Oh well I guess the next time somebody wants to write about a Palin pregnancy, or baffling political claim, or confusing family history, they should just swing on by IM. We will be HAPPY to help keep the record straight.
I mean somebody has to, right?
Update: This is from an interview that Barbara Walters conducted with the family in November 2009:
"We didn't find out he had Down syndrome till the day he was born," Willow said. "So that was kind of a shock. But we didn't really care. He's still our brother."
So the revisionist Palin-bots can stop trying to muddy the waters now. From Willow's own lips NOBODY in the family knew!
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