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Friday, 5 April 2013

Info Post
Courtesy of Science Daily:  

With few exceptions, states with the highest rates of gun ownership -- for example, Alaska, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Alabama, and West Virginia -- also tended to have the highest suicide rates. These states were also carried overwhelmingly by George Bush in the 2000 presidential election.

Leaving aside the idea of voting for George Bush and the desire to commit suicide aside for right now, I think the study certainly makes sense in that people who have more access to guns usually choose THAT as their method for ending it all.

And as the study also points out; "Many studies show that of all suicide methods, firearms have the highest case fatality, implying that an individual who selects this technique has a very low chance of survival."

I can say one thing for sure, I live in Alaska, and we have tons of conservatives. as well as easy access to guns. and our suicide rate is the highest in the nation.

The study goes on to say; "Even modest efforts to reform gun laws are typically met with vehement opposition. There are also millions of Americans who continue to believe that keeping a gun at home protects them against intruders, even though research shows that when a gun is used in the home, it is often against household members in the commission of homicides or suicides,"

Yeah I am guessing this study is not going to be embraced by the Right Wing anytime soon. Still it DOES provide a little more ammunition, if you will pardon the pun, for those looking to restrict access to guns in this country.

H/T to Mediaite.


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