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Sunday, 24 March 2013

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You know as I listened to what he said this morning my first thought was "Good, let the Evangelicals keep the Republican party from moving toward acceptance of the gay community. all that means is more lost elections for them, and more seats in the House and Senate for Democrats."

It will be interesting to watch as the practical people within the party, assuming there are some of those left of course, and the aggressively ideologically religious faction fight this one out. It cannot help but be a bloodbath of almost epic proportions.

If the religious, ie homophobic, group hold out long enough they will essentially damage the Republican brand beyond repair, and ensure that they will not survive much past the 2016 election cycle.

And the funny thing is that allowing gays to marry is only ONE of the issues in which they are light years behind the rest of the country. They are also dragging their feet on climate change, gun control, immigration, health care, and financial reform. ANY one of of those issues could cause them serious harm moving forward, but taken together, I simply do not see how the party can survive in its current manifestation.

Anybody disagree with that?

Update: Just  to drive my point home this is what John Boehner had to say about the Affordable Care Act just the other day:

Despite trying and failing to repeal Obamacare almost 40 times since it passed 3 years ago, House Republicans are not finished. House Speaker John Boehner marked the three-year anniversary of the law’s passage by saying that “The House will continue working to scrap the law in its entirety.” 

“This week, the House passed Republicans’ balanced budget that fully repeals and defunds ObamaCare to protect families, workers and seniors from its devastating consequences. The House will continue working to scrap the law in its entirety, and will use oversight authority to expose its harmful impacts as they continue to unfold,” Boehner said in a statement.

Nope, never gonna learn.


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