You know my mom made just about every mistake in the book, but she drilled into my head repeatedly that I needed to respect women and treat ...

You know my mom made just about every mistake in the book, but she drilled into my head repeatedly that I needed to respect women and treat ...
Courtesy of Salon : Gayle Trotter, a senior fellow at the conservative Independent Women’s Forum, made an appearance on Wednesday to pink up...
Lately there has been an unending stream of people trying to make sense of what happened to Sarah Palin's rising star that forced it to ...
Courtesy of Salon : The Boy Scouts of America announced earlier this week that they are considering an end to their decades-long ban on g...
Visit for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy While I certainly understand Lawrence O'Donnell's frus...
Courtesy of The Incidental Economist : In this month’s Medical Care there’s a great study by Brendan Nyhan and colleagues: Context: Mis...
You can see how carefully the sentences were structured of words that she could say clearly, while also being printed and spaced so that he ...
Dennis has been working with a seafood company out in Dutch Harbor and during his down time took some simply amazing photographs which he su...
Courtesy of the Washington Post : Fully 60 percent of Americans have a favorable impression of Obama in the new poll, up slightly from Octo...
Photo courtesy of wtfeck pictires You know I listened to much of the testimony today during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on gun v...
Perhaps the most powerful single spokesperson for gun control legislation in this country, and hands down one of the most courageous people...
Courtesy of ABC : The actor best known for playing the TV character Gomer Pyle in the 1960s has married his male partner of 38 years. Ha...
Courtesy of Kitsap Sun : Bremerton police responded to a call about an incident involving a gun at about 1:15 a.m. Sunday at the business. ...
Nothing to see here, just a few superheroes washing windows...outside of a children's hospital in Pittsburgh. I can only imagine what th...
Visit for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy Courtesy of MSNBC : “He was my son, he was my buddy, he was my...
Visit for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy Damn this man is holding nothing back these days! That was a ...
Courtesy of The Hill : A group of Hillary Clinton supporters is launching a campaign to draft her to run for president — the first major pus...
Visit for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy Courtesy of the Last Word : In Monday’s Rewrite segment, O’Do...
Courtesy of NBC News : The Boy Scouts of America, one of the nation’s largest private youth organizations, is actively considering an end...
If you remember Joe Scarborough said yesterday that many republicans had convinced themselves that the Benghazi incident would be the downf...
Courtesy of The New York Daily News : John Cornelius will be ordained a Roman Catholic priest this weekend — and with the blessing of his wi...
Simply because, after weeks of denying that John McCain was that stupid, I was first shocked to learn that Sarah Palin HAD been chosen as th...
Part One Part Two I will resist any urge to tell you what I think this is all about, and instead simply provide this platform for all of you...
Courtesy of the Examiner : Actress Julianne Moore has won a Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Tel...
The other day the President conducted an interview with The New Republic , During the interview one of the journalists, Franklin Foer, asked...
Courtesy of Mother Jones : The Boy Scouts council in charge of overseeing scout programs in the Washington, DC-area is threatening to kick o...
Courtesy of the New York Times : Threatened by long-term declining participation in shooting sports, the firearms industry has poured mil...
Father Tom Donovan Courtesy of Wisconsin gazette : In early January, Father Tom Donovan dialed 911 and described himself as being stuck in a...