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Friday, 25 January 2013

Info Post
Courtesy of the mother of Oedipus's Facebook page:

What are we succumbing to, America? The army orders "the removal of Christian symbols from a chapel." I wonder what they'll make of my son and all the other soldiers with their numerous Christian symbols tattooed on their warrior bodies? What say you, politicians, about America's finest protecting us in these war zones who will NOT be "removing their Steeples, Crosses, Bible Verses, etc." to adhere to this new nonsensical political correctness?

First off, Eeeww!

Secondly it appears that what has enraged the Grizzled Mama is an article about the army removing a steeple and taking crosses off of a chapel over in Afghanistan. How THAT somehow suggests that her son will soon be in danger of having tattoos scraped from his "warrior body" with a rusty spoon is, how can I say this nicely, fucking insane!

And thirdly hasn't Track Palin's "warrior body" been discharged from the army? Somehow I doubt that the Army gives two shits what kinds of body modifications Track experiments with these days.

However IF it is true, as claimed, that Track is currently serving in the reserves, the Army is actually pretty clear about which tattoos are permissible:

“As long as tattoos do not distract from good military order and discipline and are not extremist, racist, sexist or indecent they’re permitted.”

So to be clear, religious symbols are fine. Swastikas, naked boobies, and racial epithets are not.

In other words unless Track is secretly a perverted neo-nazi racist he should be fine, and we can chalk this up to yet another desperate attempt by Palin to have one of her children seen as a victim.


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