You know I listened to much of the testimony today during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on gun violence, and there were some VERY good points made. I especially enjoyed hearing from Gabby Gifford's husband Mark Kelly and James Johnson, chief of Baltimore County (Md.) Police Department. Both gave compelling argument for more gun control.
Of course there was also testimony from a those on the other side, and while some of it seemed relatively reasonable, there were a few, like Wayne LaPierre who sounded deeply disturbed. (And THAT includes some of the Senators in attendance as well. I'm looking at you Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz.)
However nobody, and I mean NOBODY could hold a candle to the insanity that issued forth from a woman named Gayle Trotter, who apparently is a senior fellow from the conservative Independent Women’s Forum. The things she said were....the point she was trying to make was...Oh hell you're going to have to listen for yourself.
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