Breaking News
Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Info Post
Photo courtesy of wtfeck pictires
You know I listened to much of the testimony today during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on gun violence, and there were some VERY good points made. I especially enjoyed hearing from Gabby Gifford's husband Mark Kelly and James Johnson, chief of Baltimore County (Md.) Police Department. Both gave compelling argument for more gun control.

Of course there was also testimony from a those on the other side, and while some of it seemed relatively reasonable, there were a few, like Wayne LaPierre who sounded deeply disturbed. (And THAT includes some of the Senators in attendance as well. I'm looking at you Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz.)

However nobody, and I mean NOBODY could hold a candle to the insanity that issued forth from a woman named Gayle Trotter, who apparently is a senior fellow from the conservative Independent Women’s Forum. The things she said were....the point she was trying to make was...Oh hell you're going to have to listen for yourself.

Did you hear those giggles from the audience during her testimony? That is how people usually respond when confronted by this level of lunacy.

For those having trouble with the video, here is a portion taken from the transcript:

Ms. Trotter, your testimony discussed the need for women to be able to use firearms to defend themselves and their families. The law currently permits the lawful possession of semi-automatic rifles such as AR-15s. Can you tell us why you believe a semi-automatic rifle such as AR-15 has value as a weapon of self-defense? And does banning weapons -- banning guns which feature designed to improve accuracy disproportionately burden women? 

TROTTER: I believe it does. Young women are speaking out as to why AR-15 weapons are their weapon of choice. The guns are accurate. They have good handling. They’re light. They’re easy for women to hold. And most importantly, their appearance. An assault weapon in the hands of a young woman defending her babies in her home becomes a defense weapon. And the peace of mind that a woman has as she’s facing three, four, five violent attackers, intruders in her home with her children screaming in the background -- the peace of mind that she has knowing that she has a scary-looking gun gives her more courage when she’s fighting hardened violent criminals. 

And if we ban these types of assault weapons, you are putting women at a great disadvantage, more so than men, because they do not have the same type of physical strength and opportunity to defend themselves in a hand-to-hand struggle. And they’re -- they’re not criminals. They’re moms. They’re young women. And they’re not used to violent confrontations. 

So, I absolutely urge -- I -- I speak on behalf of millions of American women across the country who urge you to defend our Second Amendment right to choose to defend yourself.

Ms. Trotter claims to speak on behalf of "MILLIONS of American women," but  I call bullshit on that.  She is the fringiest of the fringe, as indicated by the fact that she also writes for the Right Wing rag the Daily Caller.

I am left to wonder what kind of a neighborhood this batshit crazy individual lives in where there is a legitimate fear that "three, four or five violent attackers" might invade your home? Becasue I am going to make damn sure I don't buy a house on THAT street!

I also cannot imagine how anybody on the gun rights side of this debate thought that her testimony was going to help them in any way, but I do have to say that listening to that kind of insanity, certainly going to help OUR side of the debate.

Whoa Nelly! I don't think there is any reason for a more probing psychiatric examination. Based on that testimony alone, I can say unequivocally that THAT woman should NEVER have access to a weapon, of ANY kind.

(H/T to Raw Story)


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