Breaking News
Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Info Post
Courtesy of  Kitsap Sun:

Bremerton police responded to a call about an incident involving a gun at about 1:15 a.m. Sunday at the business. With help from witnesses, an officer found the suspect, who had fled. 

The suspect, Kainen S. Mattison, 26, of Seabeck, told the officer that he had tossed a gun in a nearby backyard and that he had a concealed carry permit. Officers found the gun, a .40-caliber Ruger, with a full magazine and a round in the chamber. 

A witness told police an argument over “nonsense” started between Mattison and another man. The bartender told everyone to leave, because it was near closing time, and the argument continued outside. 

The victim said Mattison continued to yell at him outside, then pressed a gun against the victim’s face three times, holding the gun to the victim’s head for at least 30 seconds each time and trying to stick it in the victim’s mouth. 

Police confirmed Mattison had a concealed carry permit, though he wasn’t carrying it with him. An officer issued a request that the permit be revoked. 

Mattison was arrested and charged with first-degree assault. Bond was set Monday at $15,000. 

You know the argument used by the those in favor of lax gun control laws is that responsible gun owners, i.e. those that could pass a background check, are not the ones that resort to gun violence, only criminals do that.

Really? This incident took place in Washington, where the guidelines strictly state that a person applying for a concealed carry permit must pass a background check, be 21 years of age, and have NO criminal history.

Clearly this gentleman easily passed that background check and was issued his permit which allowed him to walk around the city with a loaded weapon on his person, including when he was in bar drinking alcoholic beverages.

It only takes a second for somebody to use poor judgement and make mistake.  And a mistake made unarmed is almost always less life altering than a mistake made with a gun within easy reach.

But you know what, at least in THIS incident nobody died. A young man in Duluth was not quite so lucky:  

The 22-year-old Duluth man shot by a Lilburn resident Saturday night after he accidentally pulled in the wrong driveway was struck just as he was driving off the 69-year-old retiree’s property, according to the incident report released Tuesday. 

Officers said they arrived to find Rodrigo Diaz, 22, slumped over the steering wheel of his red Mitsubishi, parked at the end of Phillip Sailors’ driveway, heading east. Blood covered his face and, the report states, his breathing was labored. 

Sailors’ lawyer said the retiree, home with his wife at the time, acted in self-defense. 

“He is very distraught over the loss of life from the defense of his home,” attorney Michael Puglise said Monday. “This incident happened late in the evening hours when he was home with his wife and he assumed it was a home invasion and he maintains his innocence.” 

The 22 year old victim never even got out of his car, but the homeowner was so worried that he might be under attack that he took his gun and shot at the car, EVEN THOUGH IT WAS BACKING AWAY!

Once again without the gun, two lives would not have been altered forever.

"But it's my constitutional right to have a gun."

Yes, but the question is, should it be?


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