Breaking News
Saturday, 26 January 2013

Info Post
Apparently Palin went crawling to her buddy Stephen Bannon, (The idiot that put together the Palin hagiography "The Undefeated" and who is now running Andrew Breitbart's website now that he is no longer among the living.), to give an interview that attempts to make her recent break with Fox News seem like a canny career choice.

Here is the link so you can read it for yourself, but if you are like me you probably don't want to bet stupid on your computer, so I will provide the highlights below:

To the question of what is next in her future:

Short term: I encourage others to step out in faith, jump out of the comfort zone, and broaden our reach as believers in American exceptionalism. That means broadening our audience. I’m taking my own advice here as I free up opportunities to share more broadly the message of the beauty of freedom and the imperative of defending our republic and restoring this most exceptional nation. We can't just preach to the choir; the message of liberty and true hope must be understood by a larger audience. (Allow me to translate: I have no freaking idea what to do now! But I'm hoping that somebody will provide me with a pulpit in which to preach my message of common sense, pull yourself up with your bootstraps, down home, conservative, gibberish. Hey, are you guys hiring?)

Focus on the 2014 election is also imperative. It’s going to be like 2010, but this time around we need to shake up the GOP machine that tries to orchestrate away too much of the will of constitutional conservatives who don’t give a hoot how they do it in DC. DC is out of touch, obviously. Voices on the right like Mark Levin, Rush, and the writers here at Breitbart have come out strongly against the “go along to get along” politicians who wave the white flag before the battle even begins. We’re not going to be able to advance the cause of limited constitutional government unless we deal with these big government enablers on our side. And this all ties into the problem of crony capitalism and the permanent political class in the Beltway. We need to consistently take them on election after election – ever vigilant. (Translation: I have learned NOTHING from the last election, and am hoping to trick the voters into letting us sneak a few more of those constitutionally illiterate teabaggers into Washington. You know because THAT has really moved things right along for the American people. Oh, and can I have a job?)

As far as long-term plans, the door is wide open. I know the country needs more truth-telling in the media, and I’m willing to do that. So, we shall see. And always in the center of it all I have an awesome, full, exciting, and large family living in a very unique part of America that keeps me hopping! I love it! (Seriously, I'm not kidding, can I have a job?)

The next question is for her to give her opinion on the future of the country under the Obama presidency, you know because her opinion is always so completely, and utterly wrong:

Predicting the future has never been easier because here we are! Already we see higher taxes, a stagnant economy, the same inflationary monetary policies, Obamacare looming like a dark cloud over small businesses, yet another demand for “debt ceiling” increases, continued stonewalling about the tragic Benghazi attacks, a Secretary of Defense nominee who has a history of being antagonistic to our ally Israel, and the attack on our Second Amendment rights by an administration that has no respect for the Constitution or the separation of powers. (Translation: Blah blah, blah, Benghazi, blah blah, blah, Obamacare, blah, blah, blah Constitution. Sorry my translator threw up all over itself.)

The problem is that some on the Right are now skittish because of the lost 2012 election. They shouldn’t be. Conservatism didn’t lose. A moderate Republican candidate lost after he was perceived to alienate working class Reagan Democrat and Independent voters who didn’t turn out for him as much as they did for the McCain/Palin ticket in 2008. Granted, those same voters also didn’t turn out for Obama as strongly either. We had an election defined by a biased media plus millions of voters who sat it out in disgust. As long as we allow the media and GOP establishment to tell us who our nominees must be, we can expect to lose. I’m not interested in losing. America’s next generation can’t afford another loss. (Translation: The reason that the Republicans lost is NOT because conservatism is dead it is because Romney did not bring in the kind of votes that the McCain/Palin ticket brought in, who also lost. Oh and the media did it!)

Finally she is reminded that the MSM has said the Teabaggers are over (Because they are) and that she is now completely irrelevant. does she agree? Gee I wonder how she will respond?

I was raised to never retreat and to pick battles wisely, and all in due season. When it comes to defending our republic, we haven’t begun to fight! But we delight in those who underestimate us. (Translation: I just NEVER learn my lesson, no matter how many times I do a stupid thing, I am always rip roaring ready to do that same stupid thing again! Are you gonna hire me now?)

Okay so I think we can garner from this that Palin does not really HAVE a plan B, but us hoping that somebody, anybody will giver her a job. You no so long as she doesn't actually have to do any work or anything.

By the way did anybody else notice there was no mention of an exercise book? Gee I wonder why?

 Oh yeah, because it was bullshit!


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