Breaking News
Thursday, 24 January 2013

Info Post
Courtesy of HuffPo:  

Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio) warned fellow Republicans this week, saying President Barack Obama's inaugural address had convinced him that the president was undertaking an effort to "annihilate" the GOP. 

"Given what we heard yesterday about the president's vision for his second term, it's pretty clear to me -- should be clear to all of you -- that he knows he can't do any of that as long as the House is controlled by Republicans," Boehner said during a speech at the Ripon Society on Tuesday. "So we're expecting over the next 22 months to be the focus of this administration as they attempt to annihilate the Republican Party." 

Boehner continued, claiming that the broader goal of the administration was "to just shove us into the dustbin of history."

You know this reminds of me of a suicidal man who accuses another man of murder for not taking his gun away before he shoots himself. Arguably the only people the Republicans can blame for the destruction of their party is the choices made by Republican party.

However if Boehner is unwilling to be that circumspect, there is another person that he could legitimately blame for the  demise of his party, and that would be Sarah Palin.

As any Alaskan can tell you allowing Palin to be associated with you is the kiss of death.

Whether it be dairy companies, a natural gas pipeline, reality shows, cable news outlets (Which by the way we now know for certain has cut her loose.), or certain well known politicians..

 ...the curse of Palin is sure to doom them in the long run.

After the debacle of the two Bush terms the Republicans desperately needed to choose a presidential candidate with gravitas, and they seemingly did that with John McCain. But then his campaign was bullied into adding one of the most inept politicians on the planet, and essentially turned the GOP into a laughingstock only fit for ridicule by late night comedians.

Then they allowed Palin to tease the low hanging fruit usually relegated to the extreme fringe of the party with hints at a presidential run of her own, which garnered her undeserved attention that she then used to bring focus onto a truly ridiculous group of Constitutional retards, so blatantly clownish that they wore teabags and tricorner hats on their head, who were nonetheless successful in placing political IED's into the Congress and Senate which have sabotaged EVERY attempt to successfully govern since their arrival.

Then Palin went on to cash in on her notoriety with poorly written books, crappy reality shows, and often bizarre public appearances right up until she had drained the very last ounce of credibility from her public image, and had become nothing but fodder for late night comedians. And while doing so had helped to sully the image of the Republican party for ever having elevated her to such prominence in the first place.

 Not all of the blame can be laid at Palin's feet, there is still plenty to go around, however if John Boehner is looking for the single most damaging decision the Republican party has made in the last four years, and the trigger for the problems they are facing today, they need look no further than a dead lake in a tiny methamphetamine saturated town in Alaska.


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