Breaking News
Thursday, 24 January 2013

Info Post
Courtesy of Yahoo News:  

Author-journalist Joe McGinniss says he was diagnosed in May with advanced prostate cancer but is responding well to treatment and feels "terrific." 

The 70-year-old McGinniss is best known for controversial works such as "The Selling of the President" and "Fatal Vision." On Wednesday, he posted on his Facebook page that he had "inoperable, terminal, metastatic prostate cancer." He confirmed the diagnosis in response to an email from The Associated Press and in a subsequent Facebook posting. 

McGinniss told the AP that he has no symptoms and is eager to write more books and magazine articles.

This is certainly an upsetting way to end the day.

Joe was, and continues to be, a great friend, and I have every confidence that he will "not go gentle into that good night." But instead  "rage, rage against the dying of the light."

I still remember sitting with Joe on the porch of his rented house in Wasilla, looking out over that dead lake and sharing stories about Alaska on one of the most beautiful summer days that I can remember. Not a memory that I will soon forget, and I hope that he returns someday soon so we can pick up where we left off that day.

This country owes Joe McGinniss an incredible debt of gratitude for exposing Sarah Palin to the world. Not to mention the fact that they owe him for the many OTHER wonderful books that he had written before.

I am fortunate to have TWO books in my library signed by Joe, "Going to Extremes" and of course "The Rogue."  I will treasure them always.

Hopefully they will soon be joined by the NEXT book that Joe writes as well.


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