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Friday, 29 March 2013

Info Post

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Clearly this kid went on this spree utilizing the same tactics that one uses while playing his favorite video game, "Call of Duty." In other words he used pseudo military tactics and assault style weapons to massacre the youngest children in an elementary school.

The New York Times has more: 

At the school, he used a Bushmaster XM15-E2S semiautomatic rifle to fire 154 shots, the statement said. The police also found 10 30-round magazines for the gun, many of them partly or fully emptied. 

Mr. Lanza also carried two semiautomatic handguns, one of which he used to kill himself. The police found a 12-gauge shotgun in the car he drove to the school. 

The inventories attached to the warrants delineated pertinent items found by police in the home that Mr. Lanza shared with his mother, a two-story house with dark green shutters at 36 Yogananda Street in Newtown. Ms. Lanza was a gun enthusiast who often took her son to shooting ranges. She was divorced from his father, Peter Lanza, a General Electric executive. 

The items included more than 1,600 rounds of ammunition bullets, some of them housed in a Planters peanut can and a Nike shoe box, and an array of weapons found in a brown safe and in bedroom closets. The lists mention four guns, including the shotgun found in the black Honda Civic that Mr. Lanza drove to Sandy Hook, and 70 shotgun shells found in the car. There were two rifles, including the one used to kill Nancy Lanza, as well as a BB gun and a starter pistol. 

The police also found a certificate from the National Rifle Association bearing the name Adam Lanza. The type of certificate was not clear. The organization said on Thursday that Adam Lanza and Nancy Lanza were not members. 

There was also a receipt from a shooting range in Oklahoma, an N.R.A. guide to the basics of pistol shooting and training manuals on the use of a variety of firearms, including a Bushmaster.

You know it is almost beside the point to consider this young man's mental condition in this discussion. In my opinion there is just NO reason for a civilian in America to have this kind of firepower. 

And don't give me that bullshit "target shooting" or "gun collector" excuse either. ANYBODY can lose their grip on reality, due to heartbreak, job loss, or a myriad of other reasons.

The difference between most people in this country and these gun nuts is that when I get depressed, or sad, I eat ice cream or open a bottle of wine. I don't load my guns in a car and kill a bunch of innocent people. Nor, when I'm in a calmer state of mind,  do I accumulate an arsenal in preparation to do so.

Adam Lanza could have had any mental illness you can imagine, and played violent video games until his thumbs fell off, but without access to these weapons he would have been relatively harmless. Looking for excuses in order to protect American's rights to imagine themselves as Rambo of Dirty Harry, is a waste of time.

The reason that so many of our fellow citizens have had their bodies pulverized until they can no longer cling to life is obvious.  And the solution is equally as obvious.


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