Breaking News
Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Info Post
Courtesy of Mediaite:  

Conservative radio host Laura Ingraham tore into actor Jim Carrey on Tuesday after he released a parody video mocking gun rights advocates and the late actor and National Rifle Association spokesman Charlton Heston in particular. Ingraham said the parody video was “embarrassing” and indicative of Carrey’s spiraling career. 

“It’s just not funny,” observed Steve Doocy. 

“I have one thing to ask you guys: what do you know about The Incredible Burt Wonderstone?” asked Ingraham. 

“That it bombed out?” Brian Kilmeade replied. 

“Here’s a theory I have,” Ingraham continued. “I think it’s more of a deflection deal. You know, Jim Carrey’s famous for The Mask. This is kind of a mask. It’s a mask to, perhaps, direct our attention away from the cold, dead career.”

Wow! These people are REALLY pissed off about this video! (By the way if you have not seen it you really must. Just click here.)

Earlier in the day yesterday, the nasty little ferret-like douche on that show which I only see when somebody shares a clip while making fun of it, The Five, went out of his mind on Twitter about this video as well.

 On THAT show they went after him for having a "dead cold" career and for the fact that he was born in Canada, so how DARE he have an opinion on guns in "Murica!" (Carrey is actually a dual citizen as of 2004.)

Perhaps my favorite part of watching them come unglued about the video is that they each show a portion of it on their show before attacking it, and the more I see it the more brilliant I realize that it was. And WHO knew Carrey could sing like that?

They also attack Carrey's career, and look I will be the first to admit that he has made some clunkers, ("Me, Myself, and Irene?" I mean seriously?) but they are also talking about his new move "The Incredible Burt Wonderstone," which is actually a Steve Carrell movie that he co-stars in, and personally I loved it. Carrey plays a David Blaine like street magician and he literally steals the movie.

In fact I laughed so hard at his performance that, much to my embarrassment, I found myself chuckling about it in the car on the way home from the movies, which probably made the people in the other cars think I was insane.

So these conservative stormtroopers can attack Carrey all they want, but if they think that his career is "cold and dead," that is just wishful thinking on their part.


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