Breaking News
Saturday, 30 March 2013

Info Post
As all of you know Carrey has been under the most vicious attack from the conservatives since his brilliant "Cold Dead Hand" video with Funny or Die came out.

The ugliest attacks have come from the no talent human marsupial Greg Gutfeld, who even went so far as to claim that Carrey had killed more people "than all rifles combined."

Well yesterday Carrey decided to respond.

This from Hollywood Reporter:

Since I released my "Cold Dead Hand" video on Funny or Die this week, I have watched Fux News rant, rave, bare its fangs and viciously slander me because of my stand against large magazines and assault rifles. I would take them to task legally if I felt they were worth my time or that anyone with a brain in their head could actually fall for such irresponsible buffoonery. That would gain them far too much attention which is all they really care about. 

I'll just say this: in my opinion Fux News is a last resort for kinda-sorta-almost-journalists whose options have been severely limited by their extreme and intolerant views; a media colostomy bag that has begun to burst at the seams and should be emptied before it becomes a public health issue. 

I sincerely believe that in time, good people will lose patience with the petty and poisonous behavior of these bullies and Fux News will be remembered as nothing more than a giant culture fart that no amount of Garlique could cure. 

I wish them all the luck that accompanies such malevolence.

" In my opinion Fux News is a last resort for kinda-sorta-almost-journalists whose options have been severely limited by their extreme and intolerant views; a media colostomy bag that has begun to burst at the seams and should be emptied before it becomes a public health issue."

THAT made my day!

You know you have to wonder why ANYBODY would dare to challenge a man who once made his living standing in front of people and telling jokes while they heckled, insulted, and tried to sabotage his act?  That kind of experience MORE than prepares you to take on the tiny little minds over at, what did he call it, "Fux News?"

If these morons had half a brain they would have realized they would come out on the wrong side of any fight they picked with Jim Carrey.

Update: Apparently the marsupial responded to this statement by Carrey ( This comes from the uber Right Wing, so though I am obligated to provide a link in deference to blogger etiquette do not feel you need to visit and provide them with additional hits. I have included the portions worth discussing below.):

The Five didn’t let this one go—all of them, including Bob Beckel, took shots at the “comedian’s” remarks. “Our country is great because washed-up comics have the right to suck,” Gutfeld said. “I love the First Amendment—and Twitter especially—for it exposes the soft underbelly of the celebrity simple mind. They undo everything their publicists try to mask. 

Yeah that was pretty much the most coherent and appropriate of their responses, so you are not missing much by avoiding that site. 

So just to sum it up what we have here is a clash of cultures, the intelligent entertainer vs the classless clowns of conservatism. On the one hand we have a famous, well respected comedian and on the other representatives of a network losing viewers so fast that ratings statisticians are getting friction burns while calculating the loss.

The funny thing is that while Fox tells their dwindling audience that they have the upper hand, everybody else in the world is mocking them.


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