Breaking News
Monday, 25 March 2013

Info Post
Courtesy of AmericaBlog:

 Anti-gay “family values” protesters in Paris today got violent with the local police during a large anti-gay-marriage protest, and then used their nursery school age children as some kind of human shield to challenge the police. 

“On met les enfants devant! On met les enfants devant!” TRANSLATION: “Put the kids in front! Put the kids in front!” a father yells to other protesters, as he approaches the police line with his three year old child perilously perched on his shoulders in order to challenge the police who had just used tear gas and batons to push back the protesters who had just attacked them. 

America’s anti-gay religious right leaders, including National Organization for Marriage (NOM) head Brian Brown, have been supporting the French protests. No word yet on whether NOM will denounce its violent allies in Paris. 

Getting violent with the police? And using three year old children as some kind of human shield after there’s already been violence and tear gas (or pepper spray)? 


In my opinion it is child abuse to drag your children to a protest against love. But then to use them as human shields?

And they think that being raised by a same sex couple is bad for children. 


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