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Sunday, 17 March 2013

Info Post
Palin's speech at CPAC yesterday was full of one liners.

And she received plenty of laughs.

She made a joke about her fake breasts:

Oh you should have seen what Todd got me for Christmas. Well, it wasn’t that exciting. It’s a metal rack, a case for hunting rifles to put on the back of a Four-Wheeler, then though, I had to get something for him to put in the gun case, right? So this go-round, he got the rifle, I got the rack.

She got big laughs over that, especially when she followed it up by going down on a Big Gulp.

Classy lady, don't you think? 

She also received a huge response when she went all "birther" at the idea of having more background checks for gun owners in order to save more innocent lives: 

And background checks, yeah, I guess to learn more about the person’s thinking and associations and intentions. More background checks? Dandy idea Mr. President – should have started with yours. 

Nothing makes the folks over at the Right Wing tent revival laugh harder than the idea of making fun of a plan to stop gun violence while simultaneously suggesting that the President is not a US citizen.Yep, that's a knee slapper.

But perhaps it was Palin's old, overused joke about the President using a teleprompter that demonstrated the bone chilling depth of her hypocrisy:

Mr President we admit it, you won. Accept it. Now step away from the teleprompter and do your job.

Seriously, does anybody even laugh at this anymore? Well they certainly did at CPAC. You betcha!

But here's the thing, THIS is what what was standing in front of Palin as she read that joke.

That's right folks, those are teleprompters directly in her line of sight.

But that's not all. According to Wonkette, those teleprompters were not there for everybody: 

But, her most ridiculous moment of all ridiculousness had to be when the jabbering hockey-momming-lip-glossing-pit-grizzley-bullying 2008 reject read an Obama-Teleprompter joke, throwing out there a tired four-year old remark to the effect, “Hey Mr. President, its time to step away from the teleprompter and do your job.” Nothing new here, just some old rotted raw meat for the crowd, like the rest of her speech, but the amazing thing was, she read her Obama teleprompter joke FROM A TELEPROMPTER. 

Yes, just before she was to take her turn with the talky-hatey thing, something very odd happened, for the first time all day. The stage crew appeared and set up … teleprompters. NO ONE had used them up to this point, they weren’t even on or near the stage for anyone else at all. Not even Michele “one L, two crazy eyes” Bachmann had used a teleprompter til then, but Sarah had to have them, because her speech was too long to have written on her hands. Talk about your choots-pah! 

CPAC crew installs teleprompters right before Palin's speech.
Okay so get this. The most hypocritical woman on the planet, ACTUALLY had teleprompters installed JUST so that she could slam the President of the United States for using teleprompters.

You know due to the fact that some people consider me something of an expert on Sarah Palin I have been asked more than a few times just how low she is willing to go?

After seeing this, I think you all can see that that question quite literally has no answer.

Update: Okay seriously Sea O'Pee?

 I have never been more insulted as an American in my life.


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