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Sunday, 31 March 2013

Info Post
The Loudons, radical right wing, teabagger family, that loves Sarah Palin.

The Envy's, could NOT be more different than the previous family.
Now as you all know I really don';t watch ANY reality televisions anymore, but I had been sent various links telling me about this show, and since I recognized Gina Loudon as being this huge support of the Grizzled Mama, I thought I would check it out.

Sadly the most comprehensive information I could find was a write up over at Glenn Beck's insanity filled online media outlet, the Blaze. Since I am borrowing some of their information, I am providing a link. Whether you want to visit is entirely up to you.

Here is what they wrote about the two families.

First up The Loudons: 

Mother Gina Loudon is a proud conservative Christian and card-carrying member of the Tea Party. Originally from the South, she and her husband, former Missouri State Senator John Loudon, dedicate much of their time to conservative activism. 

“The toughest part is that politics can be consuming during an election cycle, but we do it as a family (knock doors, campaign, even speeches). We work hard to balance work and family, but I admit that in peak political season, I look forward to down time with my family when campaign time is over!” said Gina, who lives in deep blue California (San Diego, to be exact).

Next the Envy family:  

Angela Envy has been married to Chris, a semi-professional wrestler, for eight years. They have four children. 

They also have a 23-year-old girlfriend named Ashley. 

No, not the kids. The parents. The parents share a live-in girlfriend. 

“We consider ourselves to be a polyamorous family. Ashley came into our lives about one year ago, almost by accident, and she never left. And just like that, we became a triad. It was easy and natural and we have such a good time!” said Angela. 

“With Ashley, there was twice the energy and convenience of a normal relationship and she fulfils the needs that Chris cannot. The three of us share a room and sleep in the same bed and I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s going to be hard for me to be away from her for this experience,” she adds.

Oh you just KNOW this is going to be good! (P.S, For extra credit try to guess which mom can't make it through the swap without quitting. Or is that hint too easy?)
"How about that? the kids are getting a lesson." I LOVED that!

Here is part two.

Okay now let me just say that I think BOTH of these families have some serious issues (I mean professional wrestling, really?), but , and this is just me, I would CERTAINLY rather hang out with the Envy family than the Stepford..I'm sorry...Loudon family. (Loudon's comments after getting a few drinks into her were so over the top that I thought she might just BE Sarah Palin for a minute there.)

I really cannot imagine why people volunteer for these shows, though in Loudon's case I imagine she is simply trying to follow in her idol's footsteps.

Gee how'd that work out for ya?

P.S. As you can imagine the Right Wing is in full damage control mode to protect one their own, and even Rush Limbaugh felt the need to blame the whole thing on media bias.


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