Breaking News
Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Info Post
Courtesy of Crooks and Liars:

The Rhode Island Senate Judiciary Committee held hearings Thursday evening on a bill that would make marriage equality the law of the land in Rhode Island, bringing the state into line with the rest of New England. The hearings lasted until 5:00 am, and many advocates and opponents gave testimony. 

But the person who stole the show was a sixth-grader. Matthew Lannon, a 12-year-old who has two moms gave a powerful voice to America's youth in his testimony before the committee, delivering the most clear and concise case for marriage equality you could ask for from anyone, at any age.

Damn what is with these incredibly intelligent children these days?

We had that nine year old explaining the universe yesterday and now today we have this young man explaining the importance of allowing people in love to marry.  Personally I think it is about time for all of us old folks to step aside and just let these kids take over.

Yesterday the Supreme Court heard arguments on California's gay marriage ban. As of right now I don't know exactly what they will decide but I think it is clear that regardless of what they decide the ban on gay marriage, in ANY state, is not going to stand for too much longer.

Not with kids like Matthew Lannon rushing toward adulthood that's for sure.


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