Breaking News
Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Info Post
So over the weekend THIS was tweeted:

Now if you are constant visitor to this blog, or a fan of HBO, you already know what is wrong with this tweet.

Sadly there are some who are apparently neither, such as Jason B. Whitman the Young Republicans National Policy Chairman, who became incensed and tweeted this in response.

 My favorite part of this is that this guy notified Sarah Palin that he was standing up for her honor against this asshat who is going to dedicate "an entire hour" to her appearance at CPAC.

However the problem, of course, is that this is a parody twitter account using Will McAvoy's name.

But what is even a BIGGER problem is that Will McAvoy himself ONLY exists in the  world of HBO where he is a character in the series Newsroom, played by the incredibly talented Jeff Daniels.

So essentially this Jason B. Whitman guy was arguing with a guy, pretending to be a fake journalist, on a fake news channel, in an HBO series, on cable television.

I understand that after he was notified that he was making a fool of himself, he deleted the tweet.

Too late.

P.S. Yes I recognize that I am sort of living in a glass house on this topic since I posted that fake Will Ferrell tweet yesterday. But at least Will Farrell is a real person, living in the real world, and when I was made aware I manned up and admitted my mistake. I did not simply delete the evidence.

By the way if there are any of you still out there who do NOT yet know about Will McAvoy, and one of my all time favorite HBO series, let me enlighten you.


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