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Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Info Post
So you knew it was coming, and of course it did.

After yesterday's post by a former Palin-bot expressing her disappointment in her idol for not hobnobbing with her fellow conservatives, it was really only a matter of time before Palin's few remaining supporters, and in this case actually people she pays to defend her, would speak out.

And where is one of the few places left that will provide a platform for the disgraced and no longer relevant Grizzly Mama's defenders to stomp their feet and yell "No fair, no fair, no fair?"

Well of course:  

Doug McMarlin, who has been with Palin since 2008 and was with her at this year's CPAC, was also perplexed by Hughes's characterization of the event. Palin met with volunteers, supporters and CPAC leadership at this year's event. Palin keynoted last year's CPAC and was the conference's last speaker, which allowed for her to mix with the audience following her speech. 

This year, her slot fell on a Saturday afternoon, which meant there were scheduled speakers immediately after her remarks. It would not have been logistically possible for Palin to even greet the crowd or do talk radio hits from CPAC without causing a huge disturbance due to the crowds that would have swarmed her and disrupted the conference. 

(Well of course! That makes sense, she is SO incredibly popular that her appearance would have caused a stampede of personal scooters and walkers, and would have distracted from the other speakers. Why didn't WE think of that?)

"Never underestimate the level the uninformed with a keyboard will go to make a point based on a lack of information," McMarlin told Breitbart News. "Lamestream, mainstream, and no stream media, it's unfortunate when those who lack facts lash out without regard. Governor Palin, as always, was with volunteers, supporters and fellow conservatives throughout her days at CPAC." 

And joining McMarlin in his paid for umbrage, was fellow Plain staffer Jason Recher.

Jason Recher, a Palin staffer who has been with Palin at nearly every event since 2008, told Breitbart News Palin never asks for a teleprompter. In fact, reporters have often said Palin improvises during her speeches, which forces reporters to pay attention to every word in order to quote her accurately. 

"I've been at almost every speech she's given since '08 and can't think of a time where she ever asked to use a Teleprompter," Recher told Breitbart News. The teleprompters at CPAC were part of the stage set up used for all the speakers; it was not something Palin personally requested. 

Of course that flies right in the face of eyewitness accounts that claim that teleprompters were put in place SPECIFICALLY for Palin:

Yes, just before she was to take her turn with the talky-hatey thing, something very odd happened, for the first time all day. The stage crew appeared and set up … teleprompters. NO ONE had used them up to this point, they weren’t even on or near the stage for anyone else at all. Not even Michele “one L, two crazy eyes” Bachmann had used a teleprompter til then, but Sarah had to have them, because her speech was too long to have written on her hands. Talk about your choots-pah! 

And this eyewitness even provided photographic evidence.

God Palin-bots must HATE photographic evidence!

But Recher was not alone (Well almost, but not quite.) in his paid defense of Snowdrift Snooki.

Bring forth the RAM!

Hughes, with no evidence whatsoever, alleges Palin made a "rush to the exits" at this year's CPAC, implying Palin did not have time for the grassroots. 

Again, not true. 

As the photos below indicate, Palin spent time after the speech meeting with volunteers. 

In addition, Rebecca Mansour, a Palin staffer, told Breitbart News that Palin had to catch a flight immediately after her speech. "She is a very busy working mom with many family and work obligations, including raising a son with Down syndrome who has scheduled therapies," Mansour said. (Yeah, like Palin takes Trig to any of his appointments. I doubt she even knows when they are, or what they are for.)

Well gee, of course she talked to a few people standing around that would not leave her alone until she posed for a picture and pretended to give a shit about them. What do we think she is, a nasty bitch who is so incredibly insensitive that she abandoned her family, almost allowed her fellow Alaskans to die in the cold, and now ONLY makes appearances for money?

Oh we do? Well then explain these clearly not taken with people who volunteer to keep her name in the media or who paid to see her at the convention pictures! Smart ass!

Palin with volunteers from Organize4Palin and C4P.
CPAC attendees that stopped her in the hallway.
Organize4Palin coordinator and the guy she pays to carry her purse.
See? She was TOTALLY talking to the little people who are still ignorant enough to think she is special and are willing to volunteer their time on her behalf or who bumped into as she made a hasty retreat.

Stupid Teabagger ex-Palin-bot stinky head!


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