Breaking News
Sunday, 31 March 2013
The video the Exxon oil company, and the Republican party, DON'T want you to see. Update!

Courtesy of Raw Story :   An Exxon-Mobil oil pipeline ruptured Friday afternoon in the town of Mayflower, Arkansas, forcing the evacuation ...

Reality show "Wife Swap," features Tea party activist and Sarah Palin supporter swapping homes with wife involved in polyamorous relationship. TV so bad, it's almost good.

The Loudons, radical right wing, teabagger family, that loves Sarah Palin. The Envy's, could NOT be more different than the previous fam...

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The boys attend McQuaid Jesuit High School, in Brighton, New York. Apparently the young men had asked permission, probably expecting their r...

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Courtesy of Children's Defense Fund :   1) A gun in the home increases the risk of homicide, suicide, and accidental death. Contrary to ...

This Croation man wants Jon Stewart to hire him as a correspondent. I think he might actually have a shot at the job.

Courtesy of this guy's YouTube account :   There's an old joke in my country. Guy looks up at the sky and says: "God, why can...

Saturday, 30 March 2013
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Courtesy of ADN :   Alaska women earn less than men, were imprisoned at a higher rate during the last decade and are committing suicide at ...

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George W. Bush: President, murderer, and traitor to his country. Courtesy of the Harvard Kennedy School : The Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts...

New advocacy group uses Ronald Reagan's own words in advertisement to support background checks for gun owners. Right Wing heads to explode in 3..2..1

Oh man! You know this is going to piss off the conservatives like nobody's business! I love it!

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Courtesy of AmericaBlog : It all began when the legislature decided to upgrade its 150 year old building by making improvement to the plumbi...

Apparently CPAC showed a video encouraging viewers to prepare to take up arms to fight their government. Gee, and we thought the craziest thing there was Sarah Palin and a Big Gulp!

Courtesy of Alternet : Attendees at last week’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) were reportedly thrilled by a short sci-fi ...

Friday, 29 March 2013
Men armed with loaded assault rifles show up to intimidate group of mothers who are protesting for more gun control laws. The very definition of manly.

Courtesy of Think Progress : Several men with assault rifles and hand guns crashed a Mayor’s Against Illegal Guns National Day to Demand Ac...

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Visit for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy Clearly this kid went on this spree utilizing the same tactic...

Media finds that SarahPAC's newest web-ad is filled with hypocrisy and lies.  Well duh, it IS an ad for Sarah Palin!

Courtesy of the Daily Beast : Sarah Palin attempted to relaunch her political career and her political action committee, SarahPAC, on Thursd...

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"What? I can't even be racists anymore?" Courtesy of The Washington Post :   Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska), in an interview with a...

Extremely powerful new ad for gun control featuring the families of Sandy Hook.

Courtesy of CBS News :   More than 100 days since the tragic mass shooting in Newtown, Conn., a pro-gun control group is airing an ad feat...

Thursday, 28 March 2013
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Visit for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy Courtesy of MSNBC : “Now’s the time to turn heartbreak into so...

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Courtesy of Time Lightbox : This week, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in two cases that will determine the fate of same-sex mar...

Conan O'Brien melds Sarah Palin with Honey Boo Boo. What? You mean they AREN'T the same person?

Okay that was pretty funny, but I found the Voldemort/ Anne Hathaway melding truly disturbing. Gonna have nightmares.

So when did the family know that Trig Palin had Down syndrome again? Update!

The other day this showed up on Brancy's blog :    When I found out Mom was pregnant with a baby who would have Down syndrome, I confess...

Wednesday, 27 March 2013
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Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush for 2016? Yeah, that's cute. Courtesy of Public Policy Polling : Raleigh, N.C. – Hillary Clinton now leads Flor...

Your dose of nausea for the day. SarahPAC digs under the couch cushions for spare change in order to produce another web video begging for money to support their discredited leader.  Update!

Courtesy of TPM : SarahPAC, the super PAC led by former GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, released a web video Wednesday to rally ...

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Courtesy of the Huffington Post : He (Bill O'Reilly) said he didn't "feel that strongly" about gay marriage "one way ...

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The Colbert Report Get More: Colbert Report Full Episodes , Indecision Political Humor , Video Archive "Republican leaders should par...