Breaking News
Monday, 11 March 2013

Info Post
Courtesy of Business Insider:  

A satirical item published last week purporting that economist Paul Krugman had filed for bankruptcy has spread to and the conservative website Breitbart this morning. 

The item originated in The Daily Currant, a satirical news site. Austria's Format online magazine picked it up, and their report was subsequently cited by Then it spread to Breitbart. 

Apparently Breitbart has since taken it down, but other sites have not.

However my favorite part of this story is Krugman's response to it:

Krugman responded to the mix-up this morning, writing on his blog that he knew of the fake news item and was asked about it by a Russian television station. He wrote that he did not address it on his blog because he "wanted to wait and see which right-wing media outlets would fall for the hoax." 

Yeah isn't it helpful to have these new conservatives news sites and blogs reporting the information that the "liberal" media is too "in the tank" to report?

I always assume "in the tank" is code for "demonstrates journalistic integrity."

By the way if you think you have heard of this Daily Currant site before, you are right:

The Daily Currant is the same site the Washington Post cited in a false report last month that former Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin was joining Al Jazeera.

 Well at least is in good company. Or is it the other way around?


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