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You know Ed Schults is one of the MSNBC hosts that I link to the least because he is often bombastic and is not known for delivering the information in the cool and informative way that say Rachel Maddow might. However in THIS case I certainly do not think that Schultz is over the top and I share his concern, and that of the SPLC, that these groups present a clear and present danger to the citizens and law enforcement officials of this country.Here is a little more from Politico:
The SPLC wrote a letter to the departments of Justice and Homeland Security asking for the creation of a task force to examine the resources devoted to battling domestic terrorism.
“On October 25, 1994, six months before the Oklahoma City bombing, we wrote Attorney General Janet Reno about the growing threat of domestic terrorism,” SPLC President Richard Cohen wrote in the letter to Attorney General Eric Holder and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. “Today, we write to express similar concerns. In the last four years, we have seen a tremendous increase in the number of conspiracy-minded, antigovernment groups as well as in the number of domestic terrorist plots. As in the period before the Oklahoma City bombing, we now also are seeing ominous threats from those who believe that the government is poised to take their guns.”
As somebody who watched the Schaeffer Cox story unfold, and who has some behind the scenes knowledge bout how a number of similar groups currently preparing their own anti-government plots, I will tell you that we CANNOT ignore these lunatics.
They may be comical at times, with their ridiculous training video, and bizarre conspiracy theories, but make no mistake these individuals are heavily armed and, thanks to assholes like Norm Olson, easily agitated into making dangerous mistakes which might very well cost them their lives, the lives of the law enforcement officials sent to deal with them, and any innocent bystanders caught in the crossfire.
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