Courtesy of Opposing Views:
Concerned Women for America, a Christian political action group, recently produced a video (below) to celebrate Women's History Month.
The first part of the video focuses on Abigail Adams, the wife of President John Adams, who vocally supported women's rights and opposed slavery.
The second part of the video celebrated "women of virtue" such as former half-term Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and Rep. Michele Bachmann, who have supposedly been persecuted.
Palin is opposed to abortion in almost all cases, including rape and incest, but not if the life of the mother is endangered. In 2008, Palin cut funding in Alaska for unwed teen moms (which would later include her own daughter Bristol Palin).
Rep. Michele Bachmann says that she has agreed with the Catholic Church for 40 years on abortion. That position is no abortion, except in cases where the mother's life is in danger. If a woman is raped or the victim of incest, she must bear the baby.
Rep. Bachmann also opposes HPV vaccination for pre-teen girls. She scolded Texas Gov. Rick Perry during the GOP debates: "And to have innocent little 12-year-old girls be forced to have a government injection through an executive order is just flat out wrong."
I would only add that Bachmann's ignorance is a an embarrassment to her home state of Minnesota, and that she is famous for saying outlandish things to the media, such as suggesting that members of Congress might be secret socialists and giving the Teabagger response to President Obama's 2011 State of the Union speech, in which she looked into the wrong camera, none of which has done anything to further the cause of women in this country.
As for Palin, well she faked a pregnancy to attract support from the pro-life Fundamentalists after which they apparently forced John McCain to put her on the 2008 ticket, and flaunts what's left of her sexuality to garner support and media attention, which are exactly the kinds of things that make almost every female in this country ashamed to share the same gender that she does.
In other words the very fact that this hyper religious group would make this video demonstrates just how important it is to celebrate Women's History Month and to use that as an opportunity to educate women on just how far they have come and the kinds of women who have damaged their credibility as business and political leaders in this country, ie Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann.
If your celebration of "Women's History Month" begins with Abigail Adams and ends with Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin, you probably do not understand why we celebrate women in history.
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