Breaking News
Friday, 15 March 2013

Info Post
Sarah Palin's fake breast are very excited about her new book.
Courtesy of Hollywood Reporter: 

Palin will explore the "over-commercialism" and "homogenization" of Christmas and argue for a reaffirmation of its religious importance. 

The book is scheduled for publication in November. 

In a statement, Palin said, "Amidst the fragility of this politically correct era, it is imperative that we stand up for our beliefs before the element of faith in a glorious and traditional holiday like Christmas is marginalized and ignored." She added, though, that the book will be "fun, festive [and] thought-provoking" and "will encourage all to see what is possible when we unite in defense of our faith and ignore the politically correct Scrooges who would rather take Christ out of Christmas." HarperCollins also noted that the book will feature "personal memories and traditions from [Palin's] own Christmases" as well.

OMGD! Who else can hardly wait to hear the mythologized version of Palin's own Christmases?

Personally I am looking forward to the one where she found the fact that the Religious Right was forcing the 20008 Republican nominee to put her on the ticket under her tree.

Or perhaps it will be the Christmas when Sarah concocted a plan to send Levi away to the remote cabin, so that he would not be home when Bristol gave birth to Tripp. (Can't imagine why THAT happened!)

Or perhaps it will be the one where God impregnated her mother, and she was delivered into the world as the second coming of Christ. (This is the one I think her dozen or so remaining followers are most looking forward to having read to them.)

Well any how, I am sure it will be a riveting boo...zzzzzzzz!

Here is my favorite part of this article:

The former governor is said to be weighing multiple offers in the wake of her departure from the cable channel but has not announced anything concrete.

Yeah, she is "weighing multiple offers."

Such as an offer to "go away and never come back."

An offer to "drop dead and die already."

And an offer to "please don't endorse our politicians anymore!"

By the way while we are on the subject of Snowdrift Snooki, it looks like Politic is preparing to draw the ire of the power scooter crowd with their new article entitled "Sarah Palin's next act: Candidate or Kardashian?"

Oh yeah, there are some poorly misspelled, all in capital letters, emails headed their way! Don'tcha know?


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