In 1968 Leonard Nimoy received a letter from a young fan, that he thought not only required a response but that the response be reprinted in a teen magazine called FAVE so that other bans dealing with similar problems could read it.
Here is how that letter appeared in FAVE in 1968:
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You know I am ALWAYS more impressed by individuals who stood up for equality when it was still risky to do so. In 1968 Leonard Nimoy certainly ran the risk of turning off certain fans who were not yet ready to treat all people the same, but clearly he did not care.
He felt this young person's pain and responded to it like a human being. (Despite being half Vulcan of course.) And that is admirable on ANY planet.
I have always been a fan of Star Trek, and Spock was always my favorite, this just reinforces that I have good taste in TV shows and the actors who work on them.
(H/T to
My Star Trek Scrapbook)
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