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Friday, 8 March 2013

Info Post
Courtesy of Quinnipiac:  

Hillary Clinton would defeat three potential Republican presidential candidates if the 2016 presidential election were held today, with New Jersey Gov. Christopher Christie second in a field of three Democrats and three Republicans selected by Quinnipiac University for a national poll released today. 

Vice President Joseph Biden and New York's Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo would not fare nearly as well, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University poll finds. 

The Republicans tested also include Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin. 

Former First Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State Clinton wins easily against any of the Republicans, topping Christie 45 - 37 percent; leading Rubio 50 - 34 percent and besting Ryan 50 - 38 percent. 

"Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would start a 2016 presidential campaign with enormous advantages," said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute. "She obviously is by far the best known and her more than 20 years in the public spotlight allows her to create a very favorable impression on the American people. But it is worth noting that she had very good poll numbers in 2006 looking toward the 2008 election, before she faced a relative unknown in Barack Obama." 

Yeah but let's face it, NONE of these three is on par with Barack Obama. Not even close!

Besides THIS Hillary has much more gravitas and respect than the Hillary of 2008 could even have hoped for. In other words, this is NOT your parent's Hillary Clinton anymore.

Here is my prediction.

I think that barring any serious health concerns that Hillary runs in 2016. NOBODY with numbers like this, who has wanted it as long as Hillary has, could possibly walk away from this opportunity.

If she does I doubt that either Christie of Rubio will decide to take her on.

However if she does run all eyes will turn to Jeb Bush who the Republicans will see as their ONLY shot at taking back the White House. (With a shiny new female VP in tow as well.)

And I think Jeb is ready for this fight. He MUST already know that Hillary will be the Democrat's choice and yet he is not at all shy about letting people know that he intends to run. I think that his cons far outweigh his pros however, and though he might be able to put up a better fight than ANY other potential GOP contender, in the end he is destined to hit the canvas like a wet bag of cement. "Whap!"

All I can say for sure is that, for Democrats at least, 2016 is looking very good indeed.


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