Breaking News
Friday, 1 March 2013

Info Post
Courtesy of Mediaite:  

Echoing the arguments made by the National Rifle Association, Graham lamented that among the 80,000 people who fail a background check, only 44 people are prosecuted. “What kind of deterrent is that?” he asked. “I mean, the law obviously is not seen as that important. If it’s such an important issue, why aren’t we prosecuting people who fail a background check?” 

“Just for the record, from my point of view, senator the point of a background check,” Flynn began to speak before Graham interrupted: “How many cases have you made?” 

“It doesn’t matter, it’s a paper thing,” Flynn pointedly responded. When Graham continued to interrupt, the exchange became significantly more tense, with the police chief insisting that he be allowed to finish his answer. 

“I want to stop 76,000 people from getting guns illegally. That’s what a background check does. If you think we’re going to do paperwork prosecutions, you’re wrong,” he explained as the gallery applauded.

Is it just me or does Senator Graham sound like he is  completely missing the pint about background checks? And if he is, is he REALLY that stupid or is he playing stupid in deference to the NRA?

The idea that the background checks are only useful if the individuals who try to purchase guns when they hare not supposed to are then prosecuted is completely ridiculous, and would require a muhc longer police presence in this county.

Chief Flynn of course is dead right the important thing is keeping these individuals form attaining the weapons, not locking them up for trying.

You know I can always tell when all of you REALLY want me to post something. Because you send it to me over and over again until I do.

I actually watched this exchange as it was happening on Wednesday, but instead of this exchange I chose to show the testimony of Neil Heslin, whose little boy died in the Sandy Hook massacre. I guess I thought that was enough coverage of the Senate Hearings from this blog.

I stand corrected.


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