Courtesy of Life Inc:
In October, Teri James says her supervisor at San Diego Christian College called her to her office and got straight to the point: Was James pregnant?
James, 29, of El Cajon, Calif., was indeed pregnant – and she was also unmarried, a violation of school rules, according to the lawsuit she filed in San Diego County superior court. She says she was fired because, as the termination letter included in the suit stated: “Teri engaged in activity outside the scope of the Handbook and Community Covenant that does not build up the college’s mission.”
Speaking by phone with her lawyer, Gloria Allred, James said she felt humiliated.
"I had to leave right after the meeting. I had to go into the office with all of my co-workers and say I'm leaving," James said. "I never came back so I don't know what my co-workers thought, but for me, it was humiliating. I felt like I was in trouble."
Also insulting, James said, was that after firing her, the school offered a job to her then-fiancé – they are now married – even though it was known that he, too, engaged in premarital sex. He did not accept the job, she said.
San Diego Christian College asks that its employees sign its “community covenant,” a two-page contract that asks its community, which includes employees and about 500 students on-site, to abstain from drugs, alcohol and tobacco and “abusive anger, malice, jealousy, lust, sexually immoral behavior including premarital sex, adultery, pornography and homosexuality, evil desires and prejudice based on race, sex or socioeconomic status.”
"We all had to sign it," James said. "I needed a job in this economy and so I never thought that anything would happen -- I just needed a job."
Added Allred: "It does not say that you will be fired if you do not comply."
You know this is another instance where I almost feel like a visitor from another world trying to understand how human beings can make such important decisions, such as who to fire and who to hire, based on superstitious nonsense.
To most of us the idea that this woman would be fired from her job due to engaging in a loving activity with her fiancee which resulted in a new life, is indefensible. Especially since I have little doubt that this school also frowns upon the use of birth control as well.
But then to add insult to injury is the idea that after the woman is punished for engaging in "sexually immoral behavior," her partner in that "immoral behavior" is essentially rewarded with an offer to take her job!
Which almost make you wonder if these idiots know how procreation works.
But of course they do. The problem is that they are members of a religion that has laid the blame for ALL of man's ills at the feet of the woman for thousands of years.
According to the Bible, Eve's eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden resulted in every possible sin that we know today. Therefore when one is committed who carries the lioness's share of the blame?
Before Eve, man was perfect. But you know once you introduce a woman into the equation then the evil has fertile ground in which to take root. And, once again according to the book that the History channel now uses as a textbook, God was so infuriated with the fact that Eve had corrupted his perfect masterpiece (Man), that he decided that man would be punished from that day forward, and women even more so with the discomfort of her monthly menstrual cycle and the pain of childbirth. (The so-called Curse of Eve)
But remember, HE loves you.
You might well say, "Come on Gryphen those old fables don't have any REAL impact on how women are viewed or treated today." But if you think that then you are not paying attention to the message of this story. Or the world around you.
Two people have premarital sex. One is summarily fired. The other offered a new job.
The only difference? Their gender. And the perceptions about their gender, gleaned from the reading of the Bible. Or the Koran. Or the Torah.
One was perfect and Godly, one was devious and soon became the instrument of Satan to usher in the downfall of man.
The school is only following the direction provided them by the book that they feel guides their lives to a greater glory in the eyes of their Lord. To deviate from that path is to risk eternal damnation, courtesy, don't forget, of that bitch Eve.
My question, once again, is why are women still drawn to the church? Essentially all of the Abrahamic religions vilify, shame and repress the women. Why do we think that the Catholic church refuses to ordain women? Why do many Muslim cultures insist that women hide themselves behind Burkas? Why do we in America, even today, pay women less than we do men for the same job?
All of that, whether we are aware of it or not, is the lasting result of patriarchal faiths that identify man as the head of the household, the church, and the workplace, while placing women in the role of their subordinate due to the scribblings of an ancient civilization thousands of years ago.
And this case in San Diego is just the most recent example to remind us of how far we yet have to go to rid ourselves of the shackles of superstition and primitive constraints.
I hope Gloria Allred rakes their ignorant asses across the coals. Maybe next she can represent Eve, because THAT woman has a huge defamation of character lawsuit just itching to see the inside of a courtroom.
Christian school fires pregnant teacher for having premarital sex, and then tries to offer her job to the guy that impregnated her. Wait, what?
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