Breaking News
Sunday, 10 March 2013

Info Post
Courtesy of HuffPo:  

]Ashley Judd, the 44-year-old actress and social activist, has told key advisers and political figures that she is planning to announce her candidacy for U.S. Senate here this spring. 

Judd told one close ally that she plans to announce her run for the Democratic nomination for the 2014 race “around Derby” -- meaning in early May when the Kentucky Derby brings national attention to Louisville and the Bluegrass State. 

Reached for comment by email Saturday, Judd offered a not-quite-ironclad denial to The Huffington Post. “I am not sure who is saying this stuff, but it is not I! I’d prefer as a fan of your journalism that you stay accurate and credible. We told everyone who called us yesterday these stories are fabrications.” 

But she declined to specify which "stories,” did not say what wasn't "accurate,” and did not respond when asked directly whether she had, in fact, decided to run or chosen a time to declare her intentions.

This is still the race that I am the most excited about.

I am probably going to post every single debate between Mitch "Turtle man" McConnell and Judd just so we  can watch how uncomfortable the old troll becomes when he has to deal with this intelligent well spoken woman.

It is going to be political theater at its finest.


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