Breaking News
Thursday, 21 February 2013

Info Post
Sen. Fred Dyson
Courtesy of ADN:  

The Alaska Senate has passed a resolution urging the federal government to protect the Second Amendment. 

SJR6, by Sen. Fred Dyson, urges Congress to maintain its authority to protect the Second Amendment, which the resolution refers to as "our most fundamental right." 

Protecting the Second Amendment has been a topic of discussion this legislative session. 

House Speaker Mike Chenault's bill - which would make it a felony to enforce new federal laws restricting gun ownership in Alaska - passed the House Judiciary Committee this week. 

SJR6 now moves to the House. 

The 2nd Amendment is "our MOST fundamental right?"

Not freedom of religion?

Not freedom of the press?

Not the right to be safe from unreasonable search and seizure?

Not the right to a speedy trial?

Not even the right to vote for our elected officials, is more "fundamental" than the 2nd Amendment?

The right to own a gun takes precedent over all of that?

What kind of twisted logic is that?

Somehow I seriously doubt that the Founding Fathers would agree with that sentiment. They put an awful lot of work into setting up a government that would stand the test of time, I doubt very seriously if they would be happy to see which freedoms these idiots deemed the "most fundamental."

By the way the resolution passed almost unanimously with only one senator voting against it. That would be Senator Hollis French who believes that owning a gun is fine but that background checks help to keep us safe.

Yeah how un-American is THAT?


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