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Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Info Post

"Lefties?" Who is she Archie Bunker? I am surprised she didn't call them long haired "pinkos" as well.

It looks like Palin is REALLY sucking up the the Right Wing before her big upcoming flop in front of CPAC in March. You know, in case they forget just who in the hell she was.

Palin knows that the way to a Teabagger's heart is through name calling and attacking the Democrats.

But hey, at least it seems she might actually tapped this one out herself with her very own gnarled clawed hands.

By the way it might be worth noting that the most popular Republican politician in the country, and the ONLY one that has any shot at the White House (If Hillary doesn't run that is) has NOT been invited to CPAC:

The Republican rock star governor of New Jersey was reportedly not invited to speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference in March, where potential 2016 hopefuls like Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan will be rubbing elbows with activists. 

Yeah I guess that Christie's photo-op with the President while they were both touring the devastation from Hurricane Sandy was just TOO much for these simple idiots to stand.

Update: It looks like the tweet was just the first volley while Palin's Facebook ghostwriter put together a longer rant for her about the sequestration, It is essentially the same old crap, but here is a rather entertaining nugget:

If we are going to wet our proverbial pants over 0.3% in annual spending cuts when we’re running up trillion dollar annual deficits, then we’re done. Put a fork in us. We’re finished. We’re going to default eventually and that’s why the feds are stockpiling bullets in case of civil unrest.

Well I guess Palin would know all about the wetting of the pants since she is such good friends with Ted "Pants load of excrement" Nugent. And as for having a fork stuck in you to indicate you are done, I think the media has done exactly that to our once ferocious Mama Grizzly, don't you think?

By the way since she brought up that "feds stockpiling bullets" conspiracy theory here is the link that explains what is really going on.

I think the only people still reporting on her Facebook posts these days are us (For their comedic value only!), C4P, and Breitbart.


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