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Thursday, 14 February 2013

Info Post
Courtesy of Field and Stream:

Some of you took umbrage at my interpretation of Sarah Palin botching the shooting of a caribou. I felt so poorly about this that I went back and re-viewed the tape (You can see it below. It runs about 3 ½ minutes) and it made me even more depressed than I was before. 

Ms. Palin is an extremely inexperienced shooter. 

First, she allows her dad and the guide, who are both apparently nitwits, to jabber at her continually throughout the performance, make suggestions, swap rifles when it turns out that the first one has a bum scope (!), and allow her to blaze away at a moving animal. 

An experienced shooter knows that when he (she) picks up a gun, he (she) is responsible for it, and the way it works. If you have doubts about its safety, you don’t use it. Before you shoot at something living, you check to see if it’s sighted in. Period. No excuses. 

If nitwits are yammering at you, you tell them to shut the f**ck up because you can’t concentrate. No experienced shooter would put up with their nonsense. 

An experienced shooter would not ask if a rifle kicks before using it in the heat of battle. That would not be uppermost in their mind; getting the animal down would be. 

Why, before the fatal shot was fired, did the editor of the film superimpose a bogus crosshair on the poor dopey caribou? Why do we not see Ms. Palin firing the rifle? Is it because she did not do the shooting? 

Finally, look at the way she carries the rifle as the party walks up to the late lamented ungulate. No experienced shooter carries a rifle like this.

Here is the video just in case there is ANYBODY who has not seen Palin acting like she has never seen a rifle before and taking so many shots to kill a clearly tethered caribou that it is amazing the poor animal did not simply die of boredom.

As you can see Mr. Petzal is only stating what should be glaringly obvious to even those of us with only minimal experience with firearms and hunting.

However daring to suggest that Sarah Palin could not shoot her way out of a wet paper bag is guaranteed to elicit a response from her hordes of supporters.

Sadly most of those hordes have moved on to support somebody who might actually run for office, so the gauntlet is left to be picked up by her brother Chuck "Oh my God! Stop undermining my meal ticket" Heath Jr.

Here is his letter for those that wish to have a good laugh.

In it he essentially says that he and his sisters (I understand that Palin is one of them, though interestingly enough he does not mention her by name) have been handling guns since before they were out of diapers. And that this guy is totally wrong about everything that he wrote, and everything that the video clearly demonstrates.
Look a picture of Palin holding a gun! Take that you liberals!
Because if you remember correctly from dealing with these people, reality is not the truth, only what a Palin or Heath tells you is the truth, is the actual truth.

Not only are Chuckie's panties in a bunch so are his rarely heard from sister's. Here is her response, or her ghostwriter's, or maybe even Chuck's, really who the hell knows anymore?

“He’s the typical lying SOB-type that I’ve been dealing with since 2008. I’m very disappointed in Field & Stream for printing his garbage. This made-up fantasy of the columnist ranks right up there with yesterday’s report in the Washington Post that claims I’m working for Al Jazeera. My retort to that one was: ‘Uum, right… and tomorrow I’m having coffee with Elvis at the Mocha Moose in Wasilla.’ Really, these silly people need to get a life!”

So there Mr. Petzal. you take your years of hunting experience, and decades of writing books about the hunting, and your incredible knowledge about hunting and you just overshoe it mister "hunter guy who thinks he knows everything."

Look another picture of her holding a gun. Convinced yet?
Oh, speaking of that picture up above, have you ever seen Sarah being shown how to hold that assault weapon? Well trust me, you need to see it.

You can almost FEEL her expertise and years of gun handling can't you?


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