Breaking News
Thursday, 21 February 2013

Info Post
(Video courtesy of Mediaite)

Here is the transcript for those who can't quite believe their ears:

On the Republican side, it's not just truth. Sarah Palin wasn't wrong about anything. 

She didn't lie about anything. Sarah Palin embarrassed some people. So they had to get rid of her.

Wow! That anybody could say this with a!

The idea that there is a single person on this planet who has not caught Sarah Palin telling at least! My mind is blown.

Lets' do a real quick rundown, just off of the top of my head, shall we?

Lied about Todd belonging to the AIP.

Lied about why she quit her job.

Wrong about what Paul Revere was warning about.

Lied about when she knew she was being vetted as McCain's VP choice.

Lied about planning to run for office in 2012.

Wrong about the success of the natural gas pipeline.

Lied about Todd's connection to prostitution.

Lied about being proficient with firearms.

Wrong about Kodiak Island being America's biggest island.

Lies about why her son joined the military.

Wrong about  the Founding Fathers saying the Pledge of Allegiance.

Lied about being pregnant.

Lied about leasking amniotic fluid.

Lied about giving birth on April 18, 2008.

Do I really even need to go on?

The question with Sarah Palin is not how often she has lied, the question is, does she EVER tell the truth.

Of course come to think of it, the same question could be asked of Rush Limbaugh.

(H/T Politicususa)


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