Breaking News
Saturday, 23 February 2013

Info Post
"Wait, there's a bounty on who's head?"
Courtesy of ADN (Link was originally incorrect, but fixed now.):

An Alaska state senator is proposing a bounty on sea otters, the cute little marine mammals often seen by tourists swimming on their backs between cruise ships, sometimes munching on a fresh crab or clams. 

Sen. Bert Stedman, R-Sitka, sees the furry-faced critters as a growing threat to shellfish beds, particularly in southeast Alaska, where he is from. 

On Wednesday, he introduced legislation that would have the state pay $100 for each sea otter lawfully killed under the federal Marine Mammal Protection Act. 

"We're not talking eradication. We're talking slowing the population growth," he said. "In my opinion, we're not going to get any help from the federal government." 

Look I don't care if these little guys are walking up to this idiot and mugging him while holding a pistol to his head, you simply do NOT encourage people to massacre an animal as adorable as a sea otter.

What's next? Will he encourage people to punch pandas?

Or kick Koalas?

Or bitch slap baby bunnies?

But have no fear you sea otter fans you, as it turns out this is all an exercise in futility for Senator "I hate cute animals."

Even if the bill were to pass, it would be unenforceable under the federal law, said Bruce Woods, a spokesman for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. States cannot enforce laws or regulations related to the taking of any marine mammal under the law unless the Interior secretary transfers conservation and management authority to that state.

Well there you go again. Here come the Feds keeping Alaskans from exercising their rights to slaughter every creature that they find even slightly irritating.

Who could possibly support this kind of federal overreach?

Well yeah, I mean besides you guys?

Sadly this idea that we can simply slaughter any animal that becomes bothersome is built into Alaska's DNA. What was it that idiot said about Alaska's animals again?

Oh yeah:

"I always remind people from outside our state that there's plenty of room for all Alaska's animals -- right next to the mashed potatoes."


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