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Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Info Post
One of my pet peeves when I hear people talking about Evolution vs Creationism is that the argument has been defined as depending on "which one you believe." But that is allowing the Fundamentalists to define the terms of the debate.

Science is not a faith based discipline. It's acceptance, and progress, are based on the fact that if a scientist does not accept the findings of a previous scientist they are welcomed, nay encouraged, to discover on their own whether or not it holds up to scrutiny or to the introduction of new evidence.

That happens all of the time of course, which keeps science a constantly evolving exploration of the world around us.

Creationism on the other hand is fragile and is based on the notion that the whole of it must be taken on faith and cannot be questioned too closely nor argued against too aggressively. On the other hand they feel completely justified in suggesting that if there are ANY unanswered questions in Evolution that the entire field of study should be dismissed out of hand.

The only way I would support the introduction of Creationism in the public schools is as an example of exactly what kind anti-intellectual arguments are made by people terrified of the truths that science may discover about their world, and the fact that those discoveries might endanger their ability to use faith in unseen forces to comfort themselves in the face of a confusing and sometimes frightening reality.


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