Breaking News
Thursday, 21 February 2013

Info Post
Courtesy of Buzzfeed:

Now that she's out as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton isn't going to be hurting for money, thanks to speaking fees of more $200,000 per speaking appearance, according to a source familiar with the situation. 

The fee puts Clinton in the upper echelons of the speaking industry. 

Those who make six figures per speech include Al Gore, Dick Cheney, and George W. Bush; those who make more than $200,000 include Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bill Clinton. 

The fee will be more than Clinton's annual salary as Secretary of State, which was $186,000.

Wow!  That is pretty damn impressive!

You would think with this kind of money waiting for her she would have quit that Secretary of State job earlier, instead of sticking out for a full term.

I mean Sarah Palin could not WAIT to start bringing in the big buck on the speakers tour. How much did she make again?

  • $75,000 
  • First-Class airfare 
  • "Deluxe" hotel accommodations 
  • Chauffeur to and from event with SUV (or, in pinch, black Town Car) 
  • Wooden lecturn 
  • Two bottled waters 
  • Bendy straws (for the waters)
 Hmm, I bet SOMEBODY'S pretty jealous right about now.

Not only that, but Hillary is also going to be doing a few of these "pro bono,"

Politico's Playbook reported on Monday that Clinton would hit the speaking circuit this spring, and that "Secretary Clinton will likely do some speeches for no fee for causes she champions, and expects to occasionally donate her fees for charitable purposes."

I know that we have heard unsubstantiated reports of Palin  giving speeches fro free, but there is not ONE scintilla of evidence to suggest that is accurate.

Let's face it when it comes to class, intelligence, and charity, Hillary is head and shoulders above a certain half term quitter governor from Alaska.

Kind of funny that the McCain campaign thought adding her to the ticket would attract disappointed Hillary supporters in 2008, don't you think?


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