Breaking News
Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Info Post
Courtesy of Politico:  

Joe Miller, the tea party favorite who was backed by Sarah Palin when he roiled GOP politics in the 2010 midterm elections, is seriously considering another bid at an Alaska Senate seat, a campaign that could prompt a bare-knuckled effort against a candidate pushed by the party establishment. 

The 45-year-old Miller has been testing the waters in meetings with influential social conservative activists and gun-rights groups in Washington. He’s quietly met with tea party senators, such as Rand Paul of Kentucky and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, as well as former South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint, the leader of The Heritage Foundation. Miller also told Kansas Sen. Jerry Moran — the new head of the National Republican Senatorial Committee — that he was weighing a run in 2014. 

So essentially Miller is seeking support from the fringiest of the fringe hoping that he can get their support to help him overthrow the Republican party in Alaska and become the nominee to run against Mark Begich in 2014.

And this is AFTER his handpicked Alaska GOP chairman got kicked to the curb.

And not only does Miller have NO hope of getting the backing of the Republicans up here in Alaska he also has to contend with the embarrassment of losing to a write in candidate in 2010, the fact that he was named in the trial of Schaeffer Cox as the man who introduced him to FBI informant Bill Fulton, and of course his ties to perhaps the most hated politician in Alaska

Apparently NONE of that seems to bother Miller in the least:

Miller appears unmoved by the criticism from some in his party who fear he’ll simply reopen old wounds and tarnish one of the party’s best pickup opportunities in the country if he decides to run, saying the “establishment” is quick to attack “reformers” like himself. 

“I think if the Republican Party is going to win, they really need to kick the likes of Karl Rove out,” Miller told POLITICO. “They are the ones that are pulling the party away from the foundation, which has a winning message.” 

Works for me. If this asshole wants to put himself out there for us to bitchslap his vaguely bearded ass all the way back to Fairbanks again, then I am all for it! I loved it last time and I have little doubt I will find this time any less enjoyable.

But I might be the least of Miller's concerns if he runs again.

Asked whether she could back Miller if he were to win the primary in 2014, Murkowski said flatly: “No.” 

“I just don’t see him becoming the nominee,” Murkowski told POLITICO. “I think all you have to do is go back to the elections. … Let’s just say that two years ago is a relatively short time in political life.” 

Let's face it if Murkowski wants to crush Joe Miller like a bug, then he is about to get splattered all over the damn place. Murkowski is essentially the queen of the Republican party up here, and she is certainly NOT going to sit idly by while Miller tries, once again, to take over.

Like I said, I hope he is stupid enough to run. It will be a blast to watch him getting the crap beaten out of him again.


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