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Friday, 22 February 2013

Info Post
"No this hand gesture has NO relation as to why I own so many guns."
In Nugen'ts latest crayon drawing that he submitted to Wing Nut Daily he makes the following claim:

Barack Obama, the guy who received roughly 93 percent of black American votes, is the clear and present engineer of the destruction of black America. 

Yes because becoming the first black presidential role model,  reforming health care which will help African Americans get health care coverage for the first time, and working to repair the economy is SO bad for black people in this country.

But wait there's more:

It was a damnable lie when Vice President Biden stated at a campaign rally attended by many black Americans last fall that if the country elected Republicans they would “put y’all back in chains.” What a disgrace and clown Vice President Biden is. He’s a national embarrassment. 

The truth is that the Democratic Party has been the engineer of the destruction of black Americans, and everyone knows it except the very people who need to know it the most – black Americans. 

The turbo-destruction will continue for black Americans until they realize that dirty Democrat politicians are their true enemy, not their salvation. Fortunately, some are beginning to embrace this self-evident truth. 

I am not sure what "turbo-destruction" is, but it sounds like a word a ten year old boy comes up with to describe something he really does not understand very well.

"Ooh that movie I just watched was a rocket inspired epic slam dunk of a film all covered in awesome sauce!"

But what can you expect from a national embarrassment who projects that title onto one of the most beloved Vice Presidents in history?

Nugent then goes full retard by making up a number of superlatives in order to describe the influence of black musicians on that horrible racket that HE makes on stage.

Indeed, the tapestry of black America is rich and vibrant. I don’t celebrate Black History Month. I celebrate it every day, as my very black-inspired musical dreams could not have been successful were it not for black Americans. 

My fire-breathing musical career was literally launched by black musical thundergods such as Bo Diddly, Little Richard, James Brown, Wilson Picket, Sam & Dave, Albert King, BB King, Freddie King, the mighty Funk Brothers, and the epitome of Rock ‘n’ Roll Gods, the master, Chuck Berry. The music these gentlemen created gave birth to my music and all great, moving, soulful music. We owe it all to them. 

By the way some of the ways that Nugent has celebrated Black History everyday is by once suggesting that Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson were "lisping ebonic-mumbo jumbo," and comparing gun owners to Rosa Parks.  Because you know NOTHING says I am down with the African American community quite like making fun of civil rights icons.

As for that whole Bo Diddly, Little Richard, and Wilson Picket being "thundergods" I would like to point out that not only is the ACTUAL thunder god a lily white Norse guy..

...but that the MAJORITY of African Americans today don't even know who Ted Nugent is. And if they do, they know him for being a crazed pro-gun lunatic, and have little idea that he even plays music, never mind that he believes himself to be a paler version of B.B. King or Chuck Berry.

Let's face it if the Republicans are going to use Ted Nugent as their diplomat in reaching out to African American voters, they might as well forget getting any support from them EVER!

I have to assume that Nugent took this task on because the conservatives could not get ex-KKK leader David Duke to return their phone calls.

(H/T to Media Matters.)


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