Breaking News
Saturday, 16 February 2013

Info Post
The headline is taken from Palin's Facebook page, on which was posted with the above picture of a much younger Trig uncharacteristically wearing his glasses. (Which Trig is this one again?)

Here is the full quote:

As cliche and annoying as it may sound, activism truly IS for the children.

 I have no idea what the point of it is except perhaps she has noticed that almost all of her support has dried up and she is hoping that trotting out her most successful prop will loosen some purse strings.

I guess the current version of Trig is just not deemed cute enough to accomplish that anymore.

Of course as we have seen Palin's activism has been exclusively focused on furthering HER agenda and bringing in as much cash as possible.  And the evidence is pretty clear that when she HAS given speeches for charity she makes damn sure that she gets free airfare and hotel commendations, and most often also charges a fee for speaking.

So if I may take the liberty of correcting her title, it undoubtedly should read, "Screw the children, activism is for making the big bucks baby!"


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