Breaking News
Sunday, 24 February 2013

Info Post
Courtesy of Alaska Dispatch:  

A growing number of firearm firms in the US are vowing to reverse-boycott local and state governments that enact any new infringements on the Second Amendment. 

Vowing to close what they're calling "the police loophole," at least 50 US companies, ranging from gun machinists to gun shops, are now saying publicly they'll refuse to sell weapons and gear to police in places where governments have banned the use of the same gear by civilians. 

Quality Arms, located in Rigby, Idaho, writes on its website that it "will not supply any firearm or product manufactured by us or any other company, nor will we warranty, repair, alter or modify a firearm owned by any state, county or municipality that infringes on the right of its citizens to bear arms under the 2nd Amendment." 

The move comes as Congress and some state houses are considering new gun controls in the wake of the Dec. 14 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. The most direct target of the "police loophole" movement seems to be New York State, which put into law a raft of new gun control regulations, including limiting the size of magazines, last month. 

"Based on the recent legislation in New York, we are prohibited from selling rifles and receivers to residents of New York [so] we have chosen to extend that prohibition to all governmental agencies associated with or located within New York," York Arms of Buxton, Maine, writes on its website. 

So far, none of the major gun manufacturers have joined the list, and it's an open question whether the smaller companies are bluffing or would even have occasion to sell directly to governments in New York State, for example.

I doubt that ANY of the major gun manufacturers, especially those that have contracts with law enforcement, would be willing to join such a ban, which makes it an empty gesture that smacks of desperation.

However it also reveals a very troubling mindset of those who create this death dealing instruments in that if they there are any restrictions places on who they can sell them to, regardless of that person's intent, they are saying they would be willing to further place the citizens of this country at risk by not selling weapons to law enforcement that would use them in defense of those citizens.

Sounds a little like passive aggressive terrorism to me.


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