Breaking News
Saturday, 16 February 2013

Info Post
Image courtesy of Fox News.
Courtesy of Yahoo News:  

A syllabus for a political science course at West Liberty University instructs students that they must filter out two potential research sources, reports WTOV, a nearby NBC affiliate. 

Here is what the syllabus says:

 DO NOT use 

1) The Onion — this is not news this is literally a parody 

2) Fox News — The tagline “Fox News” makes me cringe. Please do not subject me to this biased news station. I would almost rather you print off an article from the Onion 

No other media or research sources — such as, say, just for example, MSNBC — appear to be prohibited outright. (Why would they be? They actually report the news, and are aggressive fact checkers.)

Stephanie Wolfe, the visiting assistant professor, behind the ban, has a one-year contract with the university in West Virginia’s Northern Panhandle. She is replacing another instructor who is on leave. 

Upset students and some parents complained to local press outlets about what they perceived as forced political bias.

Really they're upset? I don't see why.

My question is what is biased about demanding that your students use reliable reference materials during their assignments?

You know there is a reason that Fox News is constantly being mocked on late night television and the Daily Show. Because it is nakedly a propaganda machine for conservatives, big business, and the Republican party.

Personally I think that the only people who take issue with this syllabus are Fox News viewers.

Everybody else would simply say, "Makes sense to me."

You know sometimes the only REAL difference between Fox News and The Onion, is that The Onion admits that it is doing parody.


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