Breaking News
Sunday, 24 February 2013

Info Post
So the other day I wrote a post about some pro-wrestlers that were doing this anti-immigrations, racist, teabagger shtick and how upset the Right Wing were about it.

Well with people poking fun at the Teabaggers you know Glenn Beck cannot keep his mouth shut about it. So he responded, and during that response he referred to them as "stupid wrestling people."

Which is kind of amazing considering the incredibly low IQ's it must take to be a regular Glenn Beck listener.

Beck's characterization of the wrestling audience as "stupid" really pissed them off to the point that the two character actors portraying the wrestler and his manager actually broke character to tell Beck off.

Courtesy of Mediaite:

“We aren’t in the political business, or the immigration business. We are in the entertainment business,” Keown said. He went on to attack Beck directly for failing to give his audience credit when it comes to the general understanding that pro-wrestling is fake. “Many of your followers are WWE fans and they understand the difference between reality and entertainment,” he added. “Are you out of touch with your audience Glenn? Or are you just a ‘stupid political commentator?’”

I find this kind amazing as these people NEVER break character, for any reason. And I mean never! (Think Stephen Colbert on steroids.)

So you know they were REALLY ticked off at Beck.  Plus they essentially made the same argument that I made in my post, which is that the demographic of the Tea Party and pro-Wrestling are pretty much identical, and therefore so is Beck's audience.

So now we have professional actors saying that their audience is smart enough to know that what they do is only acting. Which then kind of begs the question, is Glenn Beck's audience smart enough to know that HE is only acting as well?


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