Breaking News
Thursday, 21 February 2013

Info Post
Courtesy of TPM:  

Constituents at a town hall hosted by Sen. John McCain Wednesday in Phoenix cheered after the Arizona Republican told the mother of an Aurora, Colo. shooting victim that an assault weapons ban could not get through Congress. 

"My 24-year-old son, Alex, was murdered in a movie theater in Aurora, Colo.," Caren Teves said. "These assault rifles allow the shooter to fire many rounds without having to reload. These weapons to do not belong on our streets." 

"I can tell you right now you need some straight talk. That assault weapons ban will not pass the Congress of the United States," McCain responded. The video, posted Thursday by Phoenix's KTVK, showed the line drawing applause and cheers from the crowd. 

"Now I have to -- I owe it to to you, I owe it to give you my opinion. Because a majority of members of Congress don't support it," McCain added.

How does ANYBODY treat the mother of shooting victim so callously?

And McCain is wrong, the assault weapon ban might very well pass.

Of course Teabagger ass kissers like John McCain will never support it, but it might still get through. And if it fails then we know the gun control advocates need to target in upcoming elections don't we?


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