Breaking News
Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Info Post
Courtesy of Mediaite:

 Right at the top of the interview, Ellison told Hannity, “You are the worst excuse for a journalist I’ve ever seen.” He scolded Hannity for trying to blame the president instead of providing accurate information on the sequester fight, and called Hannity a “shill for the Republican party.” Hannity invited Ellison to “keep ranting.” 

After Ellison spoke for a bit, Hannity cut him off to ask another question, but Ellison fired back, “No, wait a minute, you said I could rant, and I am.” Hannity said he’s had plenty of time to rant, but before he could get onto the next question, Ellison kept loudly talking. Hannity asked, “Why are you so angry?” 

Hannity told Ellison he was acting “comical,” and in response to Ellison’s bewilderment and light mocking, he said he gave him enough time to rant without getting another question. Hannity said that in the spirit of bipartisanship they should have a dialogue. Ellison shot back, “I thought you weren’t a Republican.” 

Hannity clarified he’s a registered conservative. Hannity then moved on to his question. He claimed the sequester was the Democrats’ fault, to which Ellison immediately insisted it was the Republican-led House’s fault. Hannity tried to call out President Obama for the massive debt, and Ellison fought back with a few suggestions for how Democrats want to lessen the debt, which Hannity practically laughed at. 

As Hannity attempted to ask Ellison another question about the “immoral” debt, Ellison called Hannity immoral and accused him of telling lies. He insisted that the massive debt is not Obama’s fault, which led to a brief shouting match between the two men. Hannity cut Ellison off by telling him the interview was a “total waste of time.”

I have to tell you that it was beyond satisfying watching Hannity get called out on his partisan bullshit.  And I damn near busted a gut when he claimed he was not a Republican.

The whole network is one giant propagnada arm for the Republican party and the more that people like Rep. Ellison call them out over it the better.

You know perhaps next he should invite Florida Congressman Alan Grayson on his program. I am sure he will let Hannity get a word in edgewise. Yeah probably not.


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