Breaking News
Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Info Post
Oddly enough the man in the picture screaming at McCain was NOT asking what the hell he was thinking by inflicting Sarah Palin on the country, but instead was pissed off about immigration.

Here is more from HuffPo: 

During a heated town hall gathering in the Phoenix suburb of Sun Lakes, McCain said the border near Yuma is largely secure, but said smugglers are using the border near Tucson to pump drugs into Phoenix. He said immigration reform should be contingent on better border security that must rely largely on technology able to detect border crossings. 

McCain said a tamper-proof Social Security card would help combat identity fraud, and noted any path to citizenship must require immigrants to learn English, cover back taxes and pay fines for breaking immigration laws. 

"There are 11 million people living here illegally," he said. "We are not going to get enough buses to deport them." 

Some audience members shouted out their disapproval. 

One man yelled that only guns would discourage undocumented immigration. Another man complained that undocumented immigrants should never be able to become citizens or vote. A third man said undocumented immigrants were illiterate invaders who wanted free government benefits. McCain urged compassion. "We are a Judeo-Christian nation," he said. McCain's other town hall meeting took place in Green Valley, south of Tucson.

The guy that said "only guns" would stop the flow of immigration wanted to know why the army was not situated along the border killing Mexicans trying to cross the border. You know, because THAT would be a reasonable use of our military forces, and because the the mass slaughter of non-whites is probably allowed somewhere in the Bible.

Clearly these town halls attract more than their fair share of Teabaggers, but whose fault is that? If McCain had not swooped down and plucked the Grizzled Mama from the wilds of Wasilla, there is a fair chance that the Tea Party would not have so quickly achieved national recognition and they may not be undermining the opportunity for civil discourse today.

As far as I'm concerned this is the political environment that John McCain helped to create and seeing him taking heat from the lunatic fringe is schadenfreude at its finest.

By the way Buzzfeed has the video of this event which does a far better job of explaining how crazy this town hall really was then simply reading about it on HuffPo. Check out the age range among these participants to get an idea of where they undoubtedly get their news.


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