Courtesy of Raw Story : A gun owner in Florida was arrested on Wednesday after he opened fire at a suspected Walmart shoplifter because he ...

Courtesy of Raw Story : A gun owner in Florida was arrested on Wednesday after he opened fire at a suspected Walmart shoplifter because he ...
Just take a moment to look at that graphic from today's vote on the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act. Oh, and it is not...
Courtesy of Politico : I’ve been on the road lately, and everywhere I go, I hear huge determination to curb gun violence and real exciteme...
Courtesy of Salon : Who are the names that come to mind when you think about leaders of the Tea Party movement? Maybe Sarah Palin, Glenn ...
Courtesy of CBS News : During emotional testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee today, the father of a first grader slain at San...
I have known people that have gotten married on a whim, due to pregnancy, and because their parents arranged it when they were young. So the...
Courtesy of Raw Story : “Here is the problem in Illinois,” he said on the House floor. “I love you folks in Chicago. You’re the ones that h...
Courtesy of Mediaite : Right at the top of the interview, Ellison told Hannity, “You are the worst excuse for a journalist I’ve ever seen....
Courtesy of Politico : The feds say Sarah Palin is firing blanks with her claim that the government is “stockpiling bullets” for potentia...
The Colbert Report Get More: Colbert Report Full Episodes , Political Humor & Satire Blog , Video Archive To me having Texas go blue i...
I know that many of you read about that huge explosion near Riverbanks that happened earlier this month, because I received the link about ...
Okay that one is going to leave a mark. If you want to help with the funding to broadcast it, you can do so by clicking here . You know spe...
Courtesy of Salon : To still relatively scant notice, the call for “School Choice” or Vouchers continues to play out in state capitols ac...
One of my pet peeves when I hear people talking about Evolution vs Creationism is that the argument has been defined as depending on "w...
Courtesy of Raw Story : President Obama has directed the Centers for Disease Control to research gun violence as part of his legislative pac...
America's sick & tired of yet more ginned up crisis. DC: Grow up. Get to work. Go around lefty obstructionists then get out of worke...
Courtesy of ADN : In a chamber dotted with female legislators wearing new camo scarves, the state House on Monday passed a gun measure tha...
Courtesy of Americablog : Rev. Fred “God Hates F-gs” Phelps was protesting Santa Monica High School in Santa Monica, California this morn...
These examples come to us courtesy of Salon . First up criminalizing gun control: In Missouri, state Rep. Mike Leara believes even proposi...
This is not from my Facebook account, fortunately I don't have anybody quite this nutty, but it apparently has shown up on numerous othe...
Courtesy of Mediaite : Discussing the “character Stephen Colbert” from The Colbert Report, he said, “He talks about politics all the time...
Courtesy of Alternet : A new analysis of 56 mass shootings across America since 2009 finds women and family members are the most frequent vi...
Here is a picture of the Toad holding his trophy for coming in fifth place in the Iron Dog, that was found on Chuck Heath Jr's Facebook ...
I am sorry about showing you a video that comes from Glenn Beck's lunatic Right Wing website The Blaze , but sadly that was the best vid...
Courtesy of Raw Story : A 4-year-old boy in Houston died early Sunday morning after finding his father’s handgun and shooting himself in th...
Gee and look he also used my line that teaching Creationism to children is tantamount to child abuse. I will resist the urge to mention tha...
Tonight is the night of the Academy awards, or as my daughter says "The best night of the whole year!" I thought since she will be...
As I imagine many of you remember from a previous post , the above teacher, a Diane Medley, was interviewed concerning plans by students an...
Courtesy of Alaska Dispatch : A growing number of firearm firms in the US are vowing to reverse-boycott local and state governments that ...
Willow Palin with her giant pupil sporting mother, sitting in the warm truck at the Iron Dog (Photo courtesy of Facebook ,) So two Bloomberg...
So the other day I wrote a post about some pro-wrestlers that were doing this anti-immigrations, racist, teabagger shtick and how upset the...