Breaking News
Saturday, 2 February 2013

Info Post
Courtesy of the Stabley Times:  

Today’s attack on the United States embassy in Turkey marks the second attack of its kind during the Obama administration, the first having been the Benghazi attack in Libya which resulted in four American deaths. There have been no reported American deaths in Turkey thus far. While these attacks may appear to the untrained eye to be the start of a worrisome trend, such attacks are nothing new. 

While there have been two embassy attacks and four deaths during the four-plus years of the Obama administration, this represents a significant slowdown in such violence. During the eight years of the Bush administration there were eleven such attacks on U.S. embassies and consulates, with 52 deaths. So why are these attacks suddenly front and center in the headlines, even as they become more rare? 

Benghazi was the first embassy attack to be politicized, as republicans in congress attempted to turn the attack into a scandal or controversy in an effort to hinder Obama’s reelection bid, and more recently to hamper any future presidential ambitions of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. None of the eleven attacks during the Bush adminstration were politicized by democrats in congress.

Chris Rock has joked that George W. Bush "fucked up so bad, he made it hard for a white man to run for president!"

And that is almost too true to even be funny.

But the sad thing is that if ANYBODY in the media or politics had held Bush to even one tenth of the standard that they hold Obama to, he would have been impeached before that new President smell had even had a chance to wear off.

George W. Bush was the man in office when this country entered two unnecessary wars, when the economy fell out from under us, and when terrorists were killing Americans like Texans at a turkey shoot. And STILL the Republicans, and their propagandists, covered for his ass.

So whenever I hear anybody in the GOP, or Right Wing radio, or Fox News talking any shit about our President, I just remind myself that their silence during the Bush years makes them conspirators in the deaths of thousands of Americans and over a million Iraqis and Afghans.

With THAT thought in mind I give their complaints about this President the kind of respect that it deserves, FUCKING NONE!


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