Breaking News
Monday, 11 February 2013

Info Post
Courtesy of TPM:  

Former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) stars in an ad released Monday by the gun control group she launched with her husband, Mark Kelly, who also appears in the ad. 

"We have a problem: where we shop, where we pray, where our children go to school," Giffords said in the Americans For Responsible Solutions ad. "But there are solutions we can agree on, even gun owners like us. Take it from me, Congress must act. Let's get this done."

I still think that Giffords, is the NRA biggest problem.

Every time you hear her speak in that halting voice, knowing that it was caused by a bullet fired into her head, it drives home the devastation that can be caused by allowing guns to fall into the hands of the wrong people, and the importance of limiting their ability to use them to gun down dozens of innocent Americans.

In short she is the perfect spokesperson to push forward responsible gun control policies that do not infringe on the basic rights of the 2nd Amendment but DO limit access to extended clips, assault weapons, and the type of ammo used to penetrate a police officers bullet resistant clothing.


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